47. Twice the Fun

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Tuffnut watched in awe as Gothi places the second child in Iris's free arm. "A boy?" She asked hopefully. When Gothi nodded, Iris let out a small laugh of joy, tears in her eyes.

"What?" Tuffnut wondered, "twins?" He couldn't hold back his own grin. He looked into the baby boy's face to find two lilac purple eyes staring at him in wonder.

"It looks like we don't have to choose between our two name choices after all," Iris explained looking from one child to the other, "Ivy and Everest."

"It's perfect," Tuff responded lovingly as Iris handed him Ivy. He took the small baby into his arms and felt his whole world just stop for a moment. Her small hands reached out of the cloth and wrapped around one of his dreadlocks. Tuff laughed lightly and exclaimed, "look at those little fingers, they're so tiny."

Astrid watched the couple admire their children with a warm smile. After Iris was settled and rested, the others were allowed to visit in small groups. Arrow, Ruffnut, and Hiccup came in next. Both of them were just as shocked to find out that Iris had been carrying twins.

"Awe," Ruff cooed with a smiled, "it's a little baby Ruff and Tuff!" She then proceeded to wiggle her index finger at Everest. The baby watched her finger move and reached an arm out, "they're so cute."

Arrow sniffed at Everest then looked to Ivy. With a curious turn of her head, she clicked at Iris, why are there two?

Iris smiled in amusement and told her sibling wraith, "looks like you have some extra work to do." Arrow rolled her eyes at Iris, she knew what that meant. There were two babies, but only one night wraith. Arrow was going to have to lay another egg. Twins had never been a thing back in their tribe, so this was never an issue before.

Hiccup stood beside Astrid and smiled crookedly. "We really should've seen this coming," he said with a small chuckle, "twins; more Thorston twins."

"If they're anything like their father and aunt," Astrid responded with raised eyebrows and a grin, "they'll make some pretty great warriors." Iris gave Astrid a thankful smile at her comment.


"Knock, knock!" Ruffnut spoke as she opened up the door to Iris and Tuff's home.

"Hey, sis, come in," Tuffnut responded with delight.

So Ruff entered. It had been a few weeks since the twins were born. Inside of the hut, Soul was playing with her newly-hatched brother, Spirit. Iris and Tuff both sat on the floor, each holding a baby. "Awe, are they bonding with the night wraiths?" Ruff asked with a grin.

"Uh, sort of," Tuffnut responded, "I mean, they're babies...I don't think they really know what's going on." He smiled innocently and watched Soul sniff Everest carefully.

"Soul is doing well with Everest," Iris explained with a proud smile, "but Spirit does seem to be taking on his role as a sibling to Ivy."

"Huh, maybe Spirit's too young?" Ruff suggested with a shrug as she sat beside her brother and began to play with the younger dragon baby.

"Maybe.." Iris responded with a crooked smile.

Tuffnut gave Iris a quick peck on the cheek and smiled at her, "I'm sure it's fine."

"Oh, I know that," Iris assured him, looking down at the blue eyes child in her arms, "I want them to have a choice; they don't need to be dragon warriors, not if they don't want to be."

"Hey, they could be dragon riders!" Ruffnut spoke excitedly.

With a gentle laugh, Iris nodded, "they could." She sighed and watched Soul paw playfully at Everest. The baby giggled happily. "I just know, they'll be amazing, whatever they choose to be."

"You got that right, babe," Tuff agreed with a grin, "I bet they'll break some awesome records."

"As long as they don't break Barf and Belch's record for biggest explosion," Ruff added with a smirk.

Just then, Everest began to cry. Tuffnut stood with the child craddled I'm his arms. "Someone's feeling cranky, " he observed. He gently began to rock the child, bouncing his leg gently to lull him.

Iris looked up to her husband as Everest began to settle down. The look in Tuff's eyes as he soothed the baby boy was priceless. He smiled at he bundle in his arms, holding him close to his heart. Iris was surprised at how well good he was with the babies. She then stood as well. Holding Ivy gently, she sighed, "looks like it's nap time for the little ones."

Ruffnut frowned in disappointment; she'd hoped to get more of a chance to play with her niece and nephew. But still, she accepted it. She kissed Ivy on the top of the head, then Everest, "I'll leave ya to it, then."

Iris smiled to her sister-in-law, "thanks for stopping by, Ruff." Ruffnut grinned back, then she was gone.

Iris and Tuff turned toward each other as they put the babies to sleep. Once Ivy and Everest were finally dreaming, they placed them into their crib on a thick cushion of smooth yak fur. Tuffnut put his arm around Iris's waist and pulled her into a firm hug. Closing his eyes, he took in her scent and warmth; this was the mother to his children, the woman he loved. Nothing in the world could ever change that. He sighed happily and spoke quietly, "I love you, Iris."

Iris smiled into her husband's chest, "I love you, too."

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