Weekend work and Bunny teeth

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"Gawwwwwd !!! Why do I have to waste a beautiful weekend because of this shitty editing??
Lisa complained to no one as she was returning to her cubicle with
her hot coffee right from the dispenser,

when she suddenly collided with someone spilling her hot coffee on
the other person's arms when he was bending to pick up the empty B. Milk  cartons that he was carrying.

"Jungkook!! I'm really sorry I honestly didn't mean to burn your hand really! "

She said looking genuinely panicked as she saw the hot coffee stain on his long sleeve.

"damn that must have hurt bad, really bad"  Lisa thought to herself as she bent down to check upon the guy's hand.

"N-no Lisa I'm fine " Jungkook said, giving her a faint smile.

"No Jungkook you are not fine!
c'mon now pull up your sleeve and let me check your arm" she said,

But before she could even reach his arm, he pulled it back like it had some plague .

"No Lisa I'm really fine, you don't have to you really don't have to "

She was a bit startled by his sudden action but she quickly gained her composure back and continued,
" Yah Coconut head! I know it's my fault okay? Now better let me help you or else I'll be feeling guilty
forever!  Or else atleast help me get you another shirt, okay ?"
she asked much calmer than the first sentence.

"Ah no Lisa, I  actually have a spare shirt" he said standing up, and adjusting his glasses with a small smile on his face .

'Is he always this prepared??
Must have some phobia or something with showing his skin I guess'

Lisa marvelled as she simply sighed a reply "Fine, then give these cartons atleast I'll be guilt free "

"Okay" Jungkook's smile widened.

'He looks kinda relieved...... "

Even as she was thinking this ,
She couldn't help give a slight smile back at the coconut head in front of her as she took the cartons from his hand.

After throwing the trash, she went and waited outside the gents washroom to check upon

She was almost about to ask "WTF do you want " to the guys passing by who staring at her when Jungkook came out.
He was wearing the same
pattern shirt but another color.

Just another one of his loose full sleeve shirts.

"Does he buy these shirts in retail or something?? "

Was the first thing that came to her mind when she saw him.

"Yah coconut ,how much time do you take to change ? Even I don't take this much time you know?

"Ah- sorry Lisa I didn't know you'd be waiting, otherwise I'd have come faster "
His reply was apologetic.

"Hmm... fine..."
Lisa mumbled unable to find anything else to reply.

"well.... "he was bit hesitant suddenly
"I - I heard from Jimin that....... You were ready to go on a date......with..... me....?

It was more of a question than a statement as the words left his
mouth .

"Damn that big mouth of Rośe ,
I'm sooooooooo gonna kill her tonight"
Lisa mentally noted to search for ways to kill your best friend.

"Y - yes I'd like to..... " she was nervous .

Lisa wasn't used to facing such situations.
After all she was more used to rejecting proposals than actually accepting one.
She had only proposed herself .


And it was accepted.

But now she regretted every thing.

Jungkook's voice broke her trail of thoughts..
"So.... I, I mean can we go today??
I know you won't like to waste your

only Sunday.....
So can we.... I mean

today...... "

He jumbled his words now nervous
as she had been silent the
whole time.

(a/n , but that was damn smooth boy, right on the first day??😆😏😏)

"Atleast he knows I hate wasting my time "

Lisa thought to herself before replying.

"Hmm... Fine with me ,so where shall
we meet? "

"I - I know a place with good coffee, that is .....if you don't mind... " he asked excitement lacing his not-so-deep voice.

"It's fine with me.....so.. After office 7:30?"

"O-Okay then, see you after office"
He replied .
His smile grew wider revealing his pearl white bunny teeth.

It may not be anything super romantic or something typical...
for him it was like the happiness
of a child who got the gift he
had been asking for
too long.

And approximately for Jungkook, it had been two years .

After two long years she had agreed.

Atlast.... he could express his love to her..... even if just in the form of a coffee date...

Lisa couldn't help but smile after returning to her cubicle as she thought of his bunny smile.

"He sure has a contagious smile.


She thought to herself...

😆😆😆😆😆seems like someone's developed a liking towards a certain bunny smile 😁😁😁

I hope you all liked this chapter 😁

Do forgive me for the typos or grammatical errors that occurred 🙏🙏

And once again I love all you guys who are actually giving their precious time for my story.... 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
I purple you guys 💜💜😁😁😁😁

- annoying author

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