Tears, Truth & A Question.

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All of them were seated in some or the other way as Jisoo geared herself up to speak.

She herself was sitting on one of the solo couches in the living room,

while opposite to her on the seven seater couch,

Namjoon, Yoongi, Seungwan, Hoseok and the masked guy were sitting.

She was a bit surprised that the Mask Guy, as she preferred to call him now,
was the first one to sit paralelly opposite to her.

He still hadn't taken off his mask,

and so had she seen Namjoon nudge him a few times asking him to remove it.

But right now what she didn't know was how to start.

It wasn't easy talking about her life till three years ago.

Heck, it was hard for her own mind to forget it, and here she was asked to remember each one of those moments .

As if reading her mind,

Hoseok spoke,

"It's better if you start right from JYP,

I mean Jin Young Park.

It will be better for both boys and me  from the beginning.

I know it is hard,

I know but..... please..... it's necessary if we.... "

Both his voice and face were solemn.

She looked at her sisters, they didn't say anything, but Jisoo could see tears welling  up in their eyes and she hated that.

She very well knew why she was the one chosen to speak,

had it been anyone of her younger sisters here, they would have already been bawling.

It was hard for her to cry,

more like all her tears were dried up long before she became an adult thanks to the childhood she experienced.

She took another deep breath,

almost the fifth since she entered this house,

"J. Y. P.........

Jin Young Park.....

I don't personally think you all need any information about his profession.

The cream of the crop,

top hacker and gadget expert,

no one could hack into his systems.

Literally No one. "

As she emphasized on the statement, she looked straight at Yoongi who was sitting across her with an amused smirk.

"Yes. No one could, but I did. "
He said, nonchalantly.

"Yes... that itself proves your worth."
She said, equally nonchalant, and then continued.

"He was, unfortunately, with the Red Dragon,

If I'm not wrong, your arch enemy.

But unfortunately for him,

his gang was destroyed to bits thanks to a group of seven teenage gangsters and a combat group of five girls, guided by the twelve seniors.

All under SM.

A group of twenty five gangsters with more under them,

who ruled an entire province for decades went down to crumbles in just a single day, thanks to one person's betrayal. "

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