Drugs & Trigger

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"What do you mean three months? "
Jisoo was confused.

"Yes three months...it was his birthday that day.

After going behind my trainers for almost three months , I had got the permission from them to let me visit him whenever I wanted to on one condition that I will spend my entire time on computers after the meet time.

It had been three months and the now ten year old Yoongi was excited to meet his hyung in his eleventh birthday itself.

Yoongi was quick to adapt to this harsh, new life.

He had been waiting in the shooting range underground, waiting for his hyung to come out.

That day, Yoongi had  maybe the widest smile he ever had till today as he was waiting for his hyung to come, the hyung he loved so much, someone he looked up to as like a father figure.

But the person he saw coming out of the shooting range was not the same person he was expecting.

The warm smile, shining eyes.. steady posture... there was nothing like that.

Yoongi knew the new life they were living could have changed his brother, even he himself had changed, but to this extent?

He was beyond words seeing the boy in front of him.

Two calloused hands holding the heavy gun carelessly,

Slow trudging feet,

Droopy, bloodshot eyes without a spark of life,

Messy hair, and an emotionless face.. that's what greeted him that day.

Yoongi was happy that Seokjin atleast recognized him.

" That day when I saw him for the first time in three months, I was shocked just like you today."
Yoongi said as he reminisced how brother's bloodshot eyes that day.

Unlike other's in training, Seokjin was different,

He was too soft hearted, he couldn't be forced or beaten either.. that boy would end up a crying mess, doing nothing altogether.

So in the end, SM had to use his last resort,

and it worked just the way he wanted.

He gave drugs...to a eleven year old..

The first taste of sin or ecstasy was too much to the innocent little thing and he suffered for almost two days, unable to move because of the drowsiness infested by the heavy dose.

But what good came out of it was that it became a lot more easier for Seokjin to pull the trigger when he was under influence, because it was under influence that he lost his regular control over his emotions .

He was since then forced to take a dose every day before training.

And soon it became his habit to take it before shooting.

It was like watching two different people when he was drugged and when he was not.

Yoongi ended up crying for two days when he heard of his brothers current condition.

He soon adjusted himself to his hyung's changing behaviour.

It was like watching two people for him.

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