Dear Ones

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(a few days after that brawl.. )


It was already late night when Taehyung checked his watch again.

It had been three days and the EMPEROR had gone silent once again.

None of them had got any messages .

He was in a better mood than he had been for the past two weeks,

even though he knew the danger was still hanging above their heads,

he still wanted to enjoy this momentary calm.

He had been out in the  park since seven in the evening, walking Jjangu,
their pet dog.

Jjangu was  of a mixed breed,  Maltese
and most probably shih tzu .

Jjangu was the closest to  Taehyung and Jin out of all of them.

He was the dearest to him.

Jjangu was only three months old when they adopted him,

He still remembers how sacred heart used to be in interacting with them,

And now?

He used to climb on the guys heads and play along with everyone...

Jjangu was twelve years old now.

Taehyung also remembers how scared he used to be of Chanyeol and at the same time jump upon smelling Chen nearby......

they had taken the dog with them... unable to part from its cute presence.

Taehyung was smiling looking at Jjangu play around when his phone rang.

It was Seokjin hyung.

"Tae I will be late tonight, just  inform Joon.

And can you take Jjangu out for a walk?

I know you might not be in the mood to, but please... "

"actually hyung I was already out with Jjangu,

It's okay I'll inform joon hyung,

I mean...

did you....."


I... -I didn't get any message....


....see u at home then.....

Jin very well knew why his dongsaeng was hesitating.

Sure the messages didn't come for some days, but they all knew

it was the silent before the calm.

End call•••

It wasn't long before another call came on Taehyung's phone.


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