The 4th Month...

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It had been four months since Lisa started dating Jungkook....

Lisa was brushing her teeth when a message popped on her mobile phone's  screen, making her smile early in the morning...

My Coconut 💛💖💓💗
Good morning Lisa 😊💛💓

gm to you too coco 😊😊

It was Jungkook.

He still calls her 'Lisa's even though she had already given him a thousand nicknames,

Kookie,  Bunny,  Bunny Boy,  Jagi,  Yeobo,   Bunny teeth,

even Coconut Head,
which was her favorite.

But even still he called her Lisa, just her name, and that was enough for her to like it,

The way he called her name was enough to show his love for her,

simple, short, and ofc dripping with love for her...

(remember the author has cheesy fetishes to fulfill as she is a crazy person)

Being with him had taught her a lot of things she never knew about him, herself more importantly.

She had got to know him a lot more.
Like how he could choose banana milk over coffee and alcohol any time,

how he was never in a relationship with anyone before her,

Or how he loved to play Overwatch

She was a bit surprised that being such a timid, peaceful person in real life, he was actually quite aggressive in the game.

Often he'd  defeat Taehyung and Jimin in the most violent way,
all the while sitting like an innocent kid.

She had also noticed quite a few changes in herself as well with time,

She was much more calm now, not as impulsive as before.

She had also got a somewhat control on her unlimitedly cussing mouth.

Jungkook never implied that she should change anything about herself, never.

But instead he accepted her completely as she was, with all her flaws and imperfections without any complaint.

He was always understanding,  even during their arguments (the only two or three the had)

he would try to think from her side as well.
And often  in the end they would apologize to each other.

It was extremely different from her earlier relationship, the only one she  had.

They hadn't even done 'it'   till now.
But still both of them were content.
He never forced her.

She used to think it was necessary to do it atleast once in a relationship thanks to her ex (it was also the main reason she broke up with her ex, she was not ready yet).

But Jungkook had proved her wrong.

She felt euphoric  everytime they were together.

Just walking beside each other.

Holding his hands,

Cuddling with him,

Those bear hugs she gave him everytime they met,

Light pecks on the cheeks,

Or just feeling  his embrace.

Her heart was filled with warmth as  she thought of how he raced to her apartment when she had told him
she was having cramps because of the second day of her periods.

He had brought all her favorite snacks and even some meds and chocolates.

His brown coconut like hair was all ruffled because of the sprinting.  He looked so worried about her.

They had them spent the whole evening cuddling with each other watching Netflix.
He never even tried to do anything wrong..

She loved him, his voice, his chocolate brown eyes, bunny teeth, his soft, warm hands, everything about h, right till his coconut head.

She loved it all.
He was her coconut, her very own coconut.......

She herself was often surprised thinking that four months ago, she herself had said that she can never have romantic feelings for a coconut head,
And yet here she was waiting for the same coconut head, head over heels in love, just to give him his gift for their fourth monthsary.....

Hello everyone 😁😁😁😁😆
I actually wanted to say that the chapters may be a bit short or very long from now on.
Cause  my final exams are starting from tomorrow until 31st of March

Hence I'm not sure I'll be able to update as much as I have done till now.
But I'll make sure to squeeze in some chapters in between

Pls be patient with me 🙏🙏

Hope y'all will have a good day 😁😁😁

Pls. Vote, Share and Comment about it, your opinions really matter to me 😁😁💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

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