The Pandora's Box

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It didn't take long for Yoongi to connect the hardware to his digital system.

"It has almost fifteen mega strong barriers!    What the fuck is that dude even hiding in it!!! "

Hoseok exclaimed irritated as he typed in the basic codes to remove one of the barriers.

After removing over ten barriers, Yoongi had gone to bring himself a coffee while Hoseok had taken the seat.

"It sure is something huge ya know.. this thing is programmed to self destroy itself if any intruder is found.

That's why this shit is taking so much time. "

Wendy said , sitting in front of the other system where she was waiting for him to finish.

It had been three hours since they began trying to pry in to the disc.

Hoseok almost finished the second barrier when Taehyung got a call.

It was Jennie.

"Tae I.... need help...... We..are in trouble...... "

"What happened Jen? "
Taehyung's worried tone caught the attention of everyone in the room.

"Put it on loud. "

Jungkook motioned.

"Wait a sec Jen. "
Taehyung said as he removed the phone from his ear and clicked the Loud button.

And soon Jennie's voice spoke from the other side,

"We are in trouble right now..."

The noise of shuffling from the other side proved their call too, was on loud speaker.

"I guess someone had been watching us all this while.... it's really serious... "

Rośe's voice was shaking a bit.

"What do you mean Chae? "
Jimin asked, concerned.

"You see.. when we came back... someone has gone through our apartment.... our things are all destroyed...... curtains are torn.. Couches pierced and even the walls are vandalized.

Our things are all strewn about helter-skelter!"Lisa said, her sniffles audible

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Our things are all strewn about helter-skelter!"
Lisa said, her sniffles audible.

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