The First Date

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Both of them ( the coconut head and his savage first love)

"Order no. 350 "
The token displayer showed the next token number.

"It's our order Lisa, I'll go get it "
Jungkook said looking at the displayer,

adjusting his large black rimmed glasses ,which almost covered his entire face.

Lisa simply nodded a 'yes'

He was back in a few minutes with the tray carrying their order;

One Chamomile tea,
Two spring rolls,
One extra strong black coffee

They talked about a lot of things.

Different topics like their favourites, dislikes and a looot more.....

like how he didn't like the taste of coffee or how Lisa loves the color yellow...

It surprised Lisa how comfortable she was talking to him about her dreams,
personal life
and how easily she was able to laugh genuinely at his light humor.

Something else which surprised her was his knowledge about her

"you sound like a stalker you know? "

she said pretending to be scared.

" Ani- No - No I'm not a stalker Lisa!  Really !

I just happen to know this because I have often heard Rośe or Jennie talk about you when they came home with

Jungkook replied in a hurry to prevent her from forming anymore misconceptions.

" I know Kook,  I'm just teasing you, it's really fun to.. you know? "

Lisa laughed at his flustered face.

He gave a sigh of relief,

"thank God "

And took a sip of his chamomile tea.

That's when she noticed that everytime he took a sip of his tea,
the steam from his tea fogged up
his large glasses.

"Jungkook....why don't you take off your glasses till you finish your tea?
It must be uncomfortable to get it fogged up everytime."

"That is..... if you want to.... "
She quickly added realising maybe
he didn't want to.

" Ah-Okay, Lisa, I don't really mind "
he said agreeing with her.

He took off the glasses, wiped them, and kept them on the table after folding it carefully.

"You don't mind if I keep it here right, Lisa"
he asked looking at her with a smile.

"N-No  I d-don't mind" she replied.

Being a observant person ,
she was actually a bit  taken aback.

Daammnn, I didn't think he had such beautiful eyes......

Rośe was sooo right,

his glasses are really like a mask,
they cover up his entire face.....

These chocolate brown  eyes...



"Are you okay Lisa?  He asked.

"Y-Yes I am fine" she mumbled.

"A-Ah okay then " he said and flashed another of his bunny smiles.

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