The reunion (?)

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The words that appeared on the computer screen brought a smirk on Yoongi's face.

"The work's done. We just need the proof now.. "
He said as he took a bite from the apple that was kept in the fruit basket.

"Great!  I'm so proud of you hyunnnnngggg"
Jungkook suddenly said,  sloppily walking into the living room .

"Is he drunk? "

Yoongi frowned at the youngest.

Soon behind him, Lisa too followed in,  also walking sloppily. A goofy smile pasted on her face .

Jisoo was behind her, holding Lisa's purse and phone while he could hear Jin park the car outside.

"Where the hell were you all when I was working? "
Yoongi asked as he was shaking Jungkook off himself.

"These two dumbasses went to drink when we weren't looking, almost three hours ago.

The waiter called me to collect these two, they were already wasted when we reached. "
Jisoo said exhausting.

The boy had too much to drink and now flopped on the sofa, mumbling rants, hugging his 'Yeooongi Hyung'.

While Lisa was busy trying to make out what the world looked like...

Pointing to her right cheek, she turned to Jisoo, who threw the other's purse on the couch next to its owner's boyfriend,

"Unnie!... unniiewww!!! This ish mahy  lwft ceewk. Okay? Okay?"

"Yes, yes This is your right cheek!  Okay? "

"Unniiewww see!  You don't know!
Thiiiiiissss is mahy right cheek!
That Juancock told me!"

"Yeah that's your right cheek.. - Wait... Who is this Juancock? "
Jisoo asked at the mention of the new name.

"Juancock?  Juancock?.... Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Hah! I met him in the bar... we had drinks together.... Unnie did I tell youw..... he ish mahy nnew buoyfriend... No no no.... Boyfriend... Haha"
Lisa replied with a lopsided grin playing with her hair, twisting one of her brown strands looking coyly at her sisters who was outright shocked and disgusted at her younger sister's drunk demeanor .

But before Jisoo could speak, the giggly drunk girl started talking,

"Unniiewww you know he has  these sherry, no c-cherry red kips aaaaah Ani, Lips haha


He also had those doeee eyessh....

And Bunny teeth... "

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