An Unlikely Friendship

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Mr. Satan shivered in fear as Majin Buu jumped down to meet him. "Please don't eat me! I came to give you presents!" Mr. Satan stammered reaching for his bag.

"Presents?" Buu tilted his head. "Buu like presents."

Mr. Satan reached in his bag and pulled out a box. "Here these are the finest chocolates money can buy!"

Buu sniffed at the box before taking one and popping it in his mouth. "Buu like chocolates! Do you wanna share?"

"Uhh no thanks. I'm actually allergic to these. I'll get a really bad rash and hives all over my body. So you go ahead and enjoy them!" Mr. Satan said handing over the box. 'That's right eat up you monster. Each one has enough cyanide to put down an elephant.'

"These were yummy!" Buu said excitedly after eating all the chocolates. "What else you got?" He asked peering into the bag.

"Here," Mr. Satan pulled out a handheld video game. "You van play a game on this."

"Ooo!" Buu took the game and started to play. "This fun!"

'Get ready to die.' Mr. Satan thought as he pressed a switch on a remote causing the video game to blow up.

Once the smoke cleared from his face Majin Buu stared laughing. "That was fun! Buu liked when game explode! You be Buu's friend?"

"Uhh yea I'd love to be your friend!" Mr. Satan said hastily.

"Here you eat this." Buu said holding out a candy. "This candy made from people."

"Oh gee thank you! People candy is my favorite!" Mr. Satan said popping the candy in his mouth. "Hey what's that over there?"

"Where?" Buu looked in the direction that Mr. Satan was pointing. While his back was turned Mr. Satan spit out the candy. "Buu no see anything."

"Oh I could have sworn I saw something." Mr. Satan said peering into the distance.

"Buu blow it up!" He held out his hand and unleashed an energy blast.

"That was amazing! Very well done!" Mr. Satan praised Buu. "Hey I have an idea why don't we take pictures to celebrate our new friendship!"

"Okay!" Buu nodded in agreement. "What Buu do?"

"Lay down flat on the ground. Now I know it seems weird but it's all the rage these days." Mr. Satan instructed while he set up the camera.

"Like this?" Buu asked laying face down.

"That's perfect!" Mr. Satan set up a timer and stood next to Majin Buu. The camera flashed and he had a picture that looked like he defeated the monster.

In Otherworld, Shin and Kibito watched as the old kai continued to dance around Gohan. "He should just be about done." Shin said.

"Yes it's been almost five hours." Kibito replied.

"Goku wake up." Shin said as the old kai stopped dancing.

Goku yawned and sat up. "It's been five hours already?"

"Whew!" The old kai wiped his brow before sitting down on the ground.

"Is that it?" Gohan asked sitting in front of the kai.

"Do you feel anything, Gohan?" Goku asked.

"Don't be stupid." The old kai snapped. "It'll take 20 hours before he feels anything."

"What do I need to do?" Gohan asked.

"You need to sit there and focus your energy." The old kai explained. "This will take discipline and concentration."

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