Peace Restored

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Goku let out a sigh of relief as Dende, the supreme kai, and the elder kai appeared. He was glad that the battle was over and they they had won.

"Doesn't look too bad considering what happened here." The elder kai said looking around.

"Goku!" Dende called as he ran up. "Let me heal you."

"Go heal Mae and Vegeta first." Goku said. "Both of them really took a beating."

Dende nodded and ran over to Vegeta. He was barely hanging on to consciousness. Dende held his hands over the saiyan prince and began to heal him. Once all his cuts and bruises were healed Vegeta stood up. "Thank you Dende. Please heal Mae now."

"No problem." Dende smiled and walked to Mae. He quickly healed her as well.

"Thanks." Mae said standing up. As he went over to heal Goku she walked over to Vegeta and smacked him on the head.

"What was that for?!" Vegeta snapped at her.

"You know damn well what that was for!" Mae snapped back. Vegeta grinned at her and she grinned back. "Next time you plan on blowing yourself up maybe ask the rest of us."

"Yea Whatever." Vegeta scoffed.

The puppy caught their attention as it ran off and started barking. "Majin Buu! You survived!" Mr. Satan yelled running over to the fat Buu. He was laying on the ground and they weren't sure how much longer he would last. "Hey green guy, can you please heal him?"

Mae, Goku, and Vegeta rushed over. Vegeta held his hand up, "stand back and I'll end it."

"No you can't!" Mr. Satan said putting himself in front of Buu. "He's good now!"

"What if he gets angry again?" Vegeta asked. "What happens if he produces another evil monster? I'm not willing to put the world at risk."

"Please! I'll take responsibility for him!" Mr. Satan begged. "He can live with me and I'll teach him how to control his emotions."

"Just give it up." Vegeta scowled. "Move aside or I'll blow you up too."

"What should I do?" Dende asked Goku.

"Go ahead and heal him." Goku said.

"What?!" Vegeta whirled around on him. "Have you lost your mind, Kakarot?!"

"Explain." Mae said crossing her arms.

"I'm just returning the favor." Goku shrugged. "Buu is the one who pinned the other one down so Mr. Satan could save Vegeta. Without those two we probably would all be toast by now."

"He has a point." Mae sighed.

"I think they deserve to live on Earth like anyone else." Goku said.

"The earthlings don't know what happened here." The supreme kai reminded them. "Their fear may cause more problems."

"We can just keep Buu inside for six months then use the dragon balls to wipe their memory of Buu." Goku said after a moment. "What do you think Vegeta?"

"Damn it fine whatever." Vegeta turned away.

"Can we go home now?" Mae groaned.

"Yea! Let's eat when we get back!" Goku said excitedly.

The supreme kai held out his hand and brought them back to the lookout. Goku, Vegeta, and Mae rounded the corner and saw their friends and family all waiting for them. They broke out into cheers that were quickly silenced when Buu walked out as well. Goku quickly explained everything to them, calming their nerves.

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