Divine Energy

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"Can't you make this thing go any faster?" Piccolo groaned as Bulma's ship began to struggle through the air.

"I'm trying." Bulma said pressing buttons and flipping switches.

"Why don't you just fix it." Gohan leaned over trying to see what she was doing.

"Why don't you just go out there and fly." Bulma countered, glaring at Gohan.

"We can't." Goten said tilting his head.

"Yea something about that ceremony tapped us out." Gohan chuckled.

Goku smirked at Beerus, waiting for the right time to move. As Beerus narrowed his eyes Goku moved, faking a kick before going in for a punch. Beerus brought his own hand up blocking him. With his other hand he punched Goku in the stomach, knocking him back.

Quickly, he righted himself before attacking Beerus multiple times. Unfazed, the god again knocked Goku back. "Wow, Lord Beerus, your attacks still sting." Goku said rubbing his stomach.

"Let's see how you handle this." Beerus said forming another huge energy ball. "This one is too heavy to knock away."

"Bring it on," Goku smirked, bringing his hands up.

Beerus tossed the ball of energy, Goku held his hands out in front of himself to deflect it. Once it touched him it began to overwhelm him. It's weight was immense compared to the previous one. Just as Beerus began to wonder if Goku was done the energy began to collapse. His eyes widened in surprise at the saiyan who was using his own strength to make the energy smaller. Once he had it in his hands it exploded from the pressure, leaving Goku floating out of breath. He didn't hesitate to attack, Beerus grinned and countered.

"What is going on?" Bulma asked as the ship began to shake.

"They are making shock waves with their blows." Piccolo explained.

"I can't even see them!" Bulma looked out into the sky.

"Wow! Go dad!" Goten and Gohan cheered.

"You are keeping up with this?" Bulma asked them.

"Yea." Gohan shrugged.

"This is amazing." Mae gasped. Watching this new level of power was astounding. She glanced at Vegeta who narrowed his eyes even more. A small smile tugged on her lips as she brought her attention back to the fight above them. "I think dad can go even further, but I'm not sure if he's stronger or not." Vegeta grunted in agreement, continuing to watch.

"Lord Beerus, I know you aren't using your full power." Goku placed his hands on his hips.

"Caught on did you?" Beerus chuckled. "To be honest, I've been pacing you. Didn't want this fight to be over before it even started."

The Supreme Kai gave a look of confusion as he and the elder kai watched. "why would Lord Beerus take those hits if he could just avoid them?"

"It seems that Lord Beerus is training Goku." The elder kai explained. "Once Goku gets to a certain level Lord Beerus will crush him with his godly might. He is unpredictable, and that's what makes Lord Beerus so terrifying."

"I see," Goku began to understand. "You probably never get a decent fight, do you?"

Within the blink of en eye Beerus was on Goku. "Don't try and understand me." He growled as he blasted Goku. He continued to blast him until they were falling down to the ground. Beerus grabbed Goku and watched as he tried to struggle. "Are you really going to let me bring you down without a fight?"

Mae covered her eyes as Goku and Beerus hit the ground. There was an explosion followed by a flash of light. She couldn't feel Goku's energy so she had no way of knowing if he was alive. Just as she was about to go and investigate Vegeta grabbed her arm and shook his head.

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