7. Back to Predictable

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Ashley sighed as she placed the last hay bale down by the horses. It was nice to have a quiet day in the camp but she would admittedly rather be chasing a score than daily chores, but it was still nice to not be doing anything too straining. She smiled to herself and pushed her hair out of her face before walked back into the camp, after giving Robin a quick pat of course. She was just walking towards her tent when she saw Micah walking over to Lenny. She tried to ignore it but she knew that Micah was going to say something stupid so she had to do something about it. 

"You can write and everything. Unusual...for one of you" Micah mocked as he approached Lenny, who was scribbling something in a book while leaning against a table.

"One of who?" Lenny asked with a sigh, pushing himself off of the table and turning to face Micah.

"Oh, you know...hoodlums" the blonde man shrugged, laughing dryly to himself.

"You know...you got all the charm and personality of a fresh turn, Micah" Lenny shook his head as he picked up his book and walked away.         

"That's a good line. I must remember that" Micah called out to Lenny as he walked away.

"Leave him alone. He's done nothing to you" Ashley chastised as she walked over to Micah, frowning at him.

"Why do you care? I'm just messing with the kid" he looked at her with a confused expression.

"You're a bully, Micah Bell" she sighed, shaking her head and crossing her arms over her chest.

"A bully? Oh how you wound me, Miss Black" Micah said sarcastically, pretending to be offended. 

"Why are you such an asshole? Seriously it's all the time! Just take a break and be a decent human being for once in your life" Ashley shouted, reaching her breaking point with the man. 

"Huh, I really thought that we were bonding the other night" he chuckled dryly to himself.

"Oh, you're serious. I thought that you were joking. Bonding? With you? No, never goin' to happen and here's why, you are an awful person" she snapped at him.

"All of this because I upset the kid?" he asked, and before Ashley knew it he was in front of her and trapping her between his body and the table.

"His name is Lenny, and no that is only part of it. You insult everyone, always try to start fights, and try to get any woman you see into your bed" Ashley continued, poking his chest roughly, making him scoff in amusement. "You know what? Arthur is feeling much better, next time I hear about a score I am going to take him with me. He is a better man than you will ever be" she spat before placing her hands on his chest and pushing him away, quickly escaping and beginning to walk away.

"Come on, Black. Stop being dramatic, I have a job for us" Micah rolled his eyes, ready to head off with her for the next score. 

"No...Micah I mean it. I'm not working with you anymore" Ashley shook her head at him before just walking away, leaving Micah slightly dumbfounded. He had been expecting her to go back to doing jobs with Arthur again, but for some reason he just didn't think it would happen yet.


It had been hours since Ashley argued with Micah, and apparently the whole camp knew about it. They had a bigger audience than they realised, and those who didn't see it got told about it later on in the day. And Ashley kept her promise, her partner was Arthur again and they had already gone on a job, bringing in a sizable score. It felt good to do a job that didn't involve some sort of argument. It was simple and went by with no really mentionable moments, just like it was suppose too.

Was it wrong that it didn't feel right?

It was easy and predictable, just the way Ashley liked to run jobs. No mishaps and no unseen events, no accidents or unnecessary bar fights, no need to camp in the middle of nowhere because a job went wrong, no arguments or sarcastic comments. No Micah. Just how it should be.

Ashley sat with a few other gang members around the campfire. Arthur and Ashley were being congratulated for a job well done. Sean, Javier, and Charles were sitting around with them and making jokes about how much more relaxed and happier Ashley seemed now that she was working with Arthur again instead of Micah. She just laughed and nodded along, deciding not to make any comments. 

Micah took a sip from his beer bottle as he walked towards his tent, he glanced over at the outlaws around the fire and rolled his eyes.

"He is a better man than you will ever be"

Whatever, what does Ashley know? Why would Micah even care? Alright, maybe the problem was that Micah found himself caring, just a little bit.

Micah threw his empty bottle to the ground before ducking into his tent, closing it behind him and dropping himself down to sit on his cot.

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