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Micah groaned and cursed under his breath as he was woken up by the sun shining in thorough the window. He was laying on his back so he threw an arm over his eyes and turned his face away from he light, like he was trying to bury his face in the crook of his elbow. However, he quickly moved his arm back to his side and his eyes shot open when he felt something moving beside him. Micah looked beside him and couldn't help but smile at the sight.

Ashley was laying on her stomach beside him, her hair barely even in a braid anymore, with loose strands falling over her face, which was turned towards him. One of her arms was tucked comfortably under her head while her other arm was lazily thrown over Micah's stomach. For the first time, Micah fully noticed the small, faint scars that littered her shoulders and arms. Probably from saloon brawls, knife fights, to even gun shots. Of course he had seen them last night, including the slightly larger but still faint scar on her waist, which he was sure was caused by a knife, but Micah actually took his time to commit them to memory.

He awkwardly reached over and brushed Ashley's hair out of her face, careful not to wake her. She looked so peaceful when she slept, no snappy comments or back talking, no rolling of the eyes, just a relaxed look and a faint smile. Micah sighed as he let his arm drop back to his side and he closed his eyes again.

Only a few minutes later, Ashley woke up. The first thing she saw when she opened her eyes was Micah laying on his back beside her, the sun coming from the window shining across his face. She smiled at him before groaning as rolled over onto her back.

"Real ladylike of you, Ashley" Micah chuckled, turning his head to face her.

"Shut up, Micah" Ashley groaned, sending him a quick glare before looking back up at the ceiling.

"Not friendly in the mornings, I'll remember that" he nodded, chuckling to himself again.

"Sure you will" she rolled her eyes before turning her head to look at him. "Want to stay in bed for a little longer?" she asked, it had been a while since either of them had slept in an actual bed rather than a cot or a bedroll so she thought that they might as well make it last. Micah just hummed and nodded, a little surprised when Ashley turned onto her side and shifted closer to him. He just wrapped his arm around her as they both relaxed back into the bed.

Eventually they both decided to get out of bed, well at least Ashley decided to get out of bed. She climbed out of the bed and pulled her clothes on before sitting down in front of the mirror in the room. She brushed out her hair before braiding it again, she smirked to herself when she saw Micah's reflection watching her from his seat on the bed.

"If you keep watching me like that I'm going to braid your hair" Ashley threatened as she finished braiding her hair.

"Don't you fucking dare" Micah growled, making Ashley laugh to herself as she stood up.

"Get dressed, I'll meet you in the saloon" she nodded at him before leaving the room and letting him get dressed. He laughed to himself before getting out of the bed and getting dressed.

Ashley went to the saloon and waited at the end of the bar, waiting for Micah to finish getting dressed and return the room key. She smiled at the blonde outlaw as he walked past her.

Micah walked up to the barkeep and handed the room key back over to him, having paid the previous night. When he turned around, his face instantly hardened. Ashley was at the end of the bar and there was a young man talking to her, he was cocky but was embarrassing himself by the look on Ashley's face.

The blonde outlaw wandered over, raising an eyebrow at the young man who was talking to Ashley. "What's goin' on here?" Micah asked casually, leaning his elbow on the bar and looking at the two people in front of him. Ashley just smirked to herself, knowing that once again Micah was jealous of a man talking to her.

"Ah, erm...sorry, is she...ah, is she your girl?" the man asked nervously, his eyes widening, he didn't want to get involved in a fight that he was sure he would lose. Ashley rolled her eyes at the question but decided to see how Micah would answer it, she looked at Micah curiously, raising an eyebrow at him as if she was asking him the same question.

"Yeah she is" Micah nodded before grabbing Ashley's arm, somewhat gently, and pulling her out of the saloon.

"So...I'm your girl?" Ashley asked, smirking up at the man as he released her arm and they walked towards their horses.

"That okay with you?" he asked in a sort of mumble, he knew that he could easily play this off as just getting the other man to leave her alone but he was genuinely curious about Ashley's reaction to his answer.

"Yeah, that's okay with me" she smiled softly as she looped her arm around Micah's, something that he had seen plenty of couples do but had rarely ever done himself.

Ashley let go of his arm as they both mounted their horses and rode back towards camp. Micah tried to fight off the smile on his face but he just couldn't do it, so he was thankful that Ashley couldn't see. He knew that if she saw how uncharacteristically smiley he was being, she would never let him hear the end of it.

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