32. Realisation

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Ashley finished packing Robin's saddlebags before patting the horse affectionately, she smiled before turning and walking back into the camp. She walked over to Micah, who was sitting at the fire, and punched him on the shoulder. The blonde outlaw huffed but looked up at her. "Come on, I've got something for us" Ashley told him, nodding her head towards the horses. Micah just nodded before standing up and following her towards the horses.

They mounted their horses before riding out of camp. "Alright, what's the job?" Micah asked, looking over at her once they were away from the camp.

"Ain't no job. I just wanted to get out of camp for a little while" she admitted with a small shrug. Ashley had been getting frustrated with no being able spend much time with Micah because of everyone else in camp. She knew that Micah was feeling a similar irritation.

"You want to go into town, visit the saloon?" he suggested, it was a good place to sit together and he was always happy to have a drink.

"Not at all, let's have one day were you don't start a fight" Ashley chuckled to herself. She just wanted one day were nobody caused any trouble and they can go back to camp with smiles on their faces.

"So we ain't getting a drink?" the man looked at her with a raised eyebrow and she almost laughed, could he not go a day without a drink. Actually, that might be something to worry about. Ashley decided to just tuck that thought away for another day.

"I packed some beers" Ashley assured him, shaking her head with a small but fond smile.

"Oh good, there is no way I can spend the day with you while I'm sober" Micah scoffed, turning his gaze back to the path ahead of them.

"Thanks, that's just charmin'. I'm glad we are doing this" she nodded, her voice sarcastically sweet.

"Ah, come on. Y'know I'm only messing with you" he chuckled, if they weren't riding on horses this would be the moment that he playfully nudged or punched her shoulder. However, he couldn't do that, but he knew that his teasing was taken well by Ashley when he noticed the amused smile on her face.

The two outlaws kept riding, Micah following Ashley as they passed the town. He assumed that she had some sort of destination in mind and just decided to go with it, he was just happy to get out of the camp. Finally they reached the spot that Ashley had seen a few days ago.

It was pretty area to put it simply. A grassy stretch right next to a body of shallow water, nothing too special or unique but pretty all the same. They dismounted their horses and Ashley grabbed the beers from the saddlebags, handing some to Micah to carry. They both then walked over to the slight alcove, not big enough to set up a camp under it but large enough for two people to sit comfortably.

They sat down beside each other, facing the water and placing the beers down in front of them. "Well, ain't this romantic" Micah chuckled to himself as he opened his first beer. He spared Ashley a quick glance, which she didn't notice. He might have been teasing her but he was actually glad to get some time with her. He had convinced himself that keeping their relationship a secret would be a good idea, recently he had been starting to regret it. What annoyed him the most was that it didn't even seem to bother Ashley.

"Yeah, well, someone here should do something nice" Ashley laughed softly to herself as she opened her own beer.

"I do lots of nice things" he rolled his eyes, not even convincing himself. He was pretty sure that he had never done a nice thing in his life.

"You're real funny, Micah. Should get paid for telling jokes like that" she shook her head, knocking her shoulder against his before taking a sip of her drink.

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