50. Blessed are the Peacemakers

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Blessed are the Peacemakers

Things never stay the same, even if you think its infinite. But just because things change doesn't mean that it isn't infinite. Everything has changed, the Van der Linde gang is much different to what it was but everyone was happy and doing just fine.

John and Abigail Marston moved to a ranch with their son, Jack, and even have Uncle living with them. It was very different to life with the gang but they liked it, they were happy and safe, they could try to give Jack a softer life.

Simon Pearson went on to live a happy life. He now runs his own general store in Rhodes and is married, but he still keeps a photo of the gang (his family) close by.

Leopold Strauss left the gang and became a banker. He still works with money and has no remorse for the innocent people who need some help, but at least it's legitimate. He is actually doing pretty well for himself.

Tilly Jackson married a lawyer and had a daughter, she is happy and doing rather well for herself. She is still very close to Mary-Beth Gaskill, who has become a rather successful Romance novelist, finally acting on her passions and solving the problems she saw in all those books she used to read around camp.

Karen Jones even became an actress, finally putting her drama and acting skills to good use. She also stopped drinking, after Tilly and Mary-Beth convinced her that it would be the death of her.

Charles Smith moved to Canada to raise a family there, just like he had planned. He missed his brothers and sisters, of course, but he was happy and expecting his first child.

Sadie Adler went on to do what she wanted to do, she became a bounty hunter and saying that she was a good one was an understatement. 

Lenny Summers became a lawyer, just like Hosea had suggested, and now he was fighting for the little guy. He had made a good life for himself.

Kieran Duffy finally completely proved himself to the gang but then realised that it wasn't what he needed, this wasn't the life he wanted to live. So he left and opened his own stables, doing the thing he loved the most: caring for horses.

Some people didn't move on from the gang in the same way but they are happy with their choice.

Dutch Van der Linde and Molly O'Shea reconnected once they reached safety and their relationship had improved significantly, they loved each other and planned to stay together.

Hosea Matthews continued to lead the gang alongside his closest and most trusted friend. He was enjoying the more relaxed life in his old age.

Susan Grimshaw remained with them, after all, someone had to make sure they behave like civilised human beings. The truth was that she loved this gang, even after many of them left. She actually was partly involved in the women leaving, convincing them to go and do something better.

Bill Williamson stayed, whether it was his loyalty or respect for Dutch, or whether it was the sense of family he found with them.

Javier Escuella stayed as well, wanting to stay with his family. Perhaps one day he will return to Mexico, but for now he was happy here.

In fact Javier and Bill have spoken about leaving to Mexico together. Javier liked the idea of returning and Bill thought it would be a good time.

Sean MacGuire stayed with them, living the free life that he wanted to live. The others would act annoyed by his energetic behaviour but the truth was that they would miss him if he was gone. He definitely kept the gang lively. Hosea had already started to tell him that if he gets a new offer, whether it be a legitimate job or he meets a nice woman, he would take it. He was still young and had a whole life a head of him.

Arthur Morgan stayed with Dutch and Hosea, they were his family, they truly were and this was where he was happy. He didn't stay with them because of blind loyalty, he stayed with the two men that had become father figures and close friends. Family is family.

Those who remained with Dutch Van der Linde were no longer known as heartless outlaws. They lived a comfortable life with the people they cared about, the people they love. But that doesn't mean that they never see the others, quite the contrary actually.

As for Ashley Bell and Micah Bell...

They continue to live on their ranch with their daughter, Naomi Bell, and their younger son, Micah Bell IV.

Nobody forgot each other, actually they all saw each other rather often. The Van der Linde gang often visited the Bell Ranch. The Marstons and the Bells would meet for dinner. Micah wasn't a big fan of those dinners but he endured it to see Ashley smile.

The little Bells loved all of their Aunts and Uncles, always excited to see them. The Van der Linde Gang now lived a content life, never losing touch, always having each other's backs, but moving on and finding what they had all been looking for.

They are safe.

They are at peace.

They are loved.

Blessed Are Those That Hunger And Thirst For Righteousness.

This is the end! 

Thank you all so much for reading this book, I had so much fun writing it and I really appreciate all of your support, votes, and comments.

Thank you! Love you all! 

~Daxton Winchester 

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