26. The Saloon

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Micah sighed as he watched Ashley strolling through camp. He knew that he acted like a damn fool yesterday and that he had crossed the boundaries that they had set, he knew that he needed to get her alone whether it was to apologise in someway or to just put them both back on the right track. The outlaw placed his hat on his head before walking over to Ashley, when he saw that she was alone.

"You okay?" Micah asked, stopping once he was standing a few feet away from her.

"You drunk?" Ashley asked, not even bothering to look at him.

"...no?" he furrowed his brow.

"Then, yes, I am okay" she sighed, smiling slightly as she turned to face the man.

"Does it bother you when I'm drunk?" Micah asked, confused since she had never been bothered by him being drunk before. In fact they tended to get along better than ever when they were drunk.

"No, it bothers me when you try to feel me up in the middle of camp" Ashley rolled her eyes, her smile falling from her face when she found herself having to explain the problem.

"It won't happen again" he assured her and she could see that he was being sincere, as annoying as it was.

"I don't believe you at all...but you are forgiven even if you didn't apologise" she rolled her eyes again, she knew that he had been sincere but she was positive that it would happen again.

"Okay, good" Micah clapped while Ashley just rolled her eyes at him, she was pretty sure that this man was far too prideful to apologise for something. "I've got to pick something up in Rhodes, I've told Dutch that we are going on a job, meet me in the saloon" he ordered before he turned around and began to walk away.

"What are you picking up?" Ashley asked as she moved to catch up with him, she hated not knowing what he had planned. Micah could be unpredictable so it was good to at least know the basics of the job.

"Doesn't matter" he shrugged, smirking to himself when he heard Ashley groan in frustration. She just sighed before turning around and walking over to the horses.

Ashley mounted Robin before riding out of the camp, she took her time as she made her way into Rhodes. Once she got there, she hitched her horse outside of the saloon and walked in. She had no idea how long Micah would take to get here, so she got herself a beer and sat at one of the tables near the back, out of the way.

It wasn't too long, maybe just under an hour, before Micah walked into the saloon. Ashley remained at the table as she watched him walk up to the bar and speak to the bartender, she assumed that he was just buying a drink before joining her. Micah grabbed the two bottles of beer that he ordered before wandering over to Ashley at the back table, he placed one bottle on the table in front of her as he sat down opposite her.

"Cowpoke has a lot to say, doesn't he?" Micah asked as he sat down, obvious irritation in his voice.

"Hello to you too, Micah" Ashley rolled her eyes, he wasn't always the easiest man to speak too.

"You're right, that was rude of me. Hello, Ashley. Cowpoke has a lot to say, doesn't he?" he responded sarcastically before repeating the question.

"Alright, I'll bite. What did he do now?" the dark haired woman asked, leaning forward on the table.

"Says I'm harassing you" Micah muttered angrily to himself, taking a sip from the bottle in his hand.

"You were harassing me" Ashley teased but only earned a glare from the man sitting in front of her. "Micah, just ignore him. He is just trying to help" she sighed as she gave advice that she knew he wouldn't listen to.

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