27. Room 3

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They walked together until they got to a door labelled 'Room 3', where Micah removed his arm from around Ashley's shoulders and unlocked the door. They both stepped inside, Micah shutting and locking the door behind them so no drunks decided to wander in.

Ashley walked further into the room, slipping her jacket off and throwing it over the chair in the corner. She sighed as she sat down on the end of the bed and tugged her boots off, letting them fall to the floor messily. She looked up and glanced over her shoulder, feeling somebody watching her, and saw Micah leaning back against the closed door with his arms crossed over his chest and watching her. Ashley just flashed him a small smile before standing up and walking towards the window with bare feet, she lay her hands on the windowsill as she looked down out into Rhodes.

There was a tension in the room and Ashley could feel it. She didn't feel uncomfortable or like she wanted to leave, there was just something that seemed tense. Maybe it was the realisation that she didn't really know anything about the man that she was sharing a bed with tonight, maybe they were just tired, or maybe it was the true intentions of today's outings creeping closer to them both.

Micah lent back against the door and watched the woman staring out the window, wondering what she was thinking. Part of him was a little amazed that she hadn't completely rejected him and just went back to camp. He sighed quietly to himself as he took  the hat off of his head and placed it down on the same chair that Ashley threw her jacket. Micah looked back over at Ashley before walking towards her, gently placing his hands on her shoulders.

Ashley didn't react when Micah placed his hands on her shoulders, she had heard him approaching and was actually surprised that he had placed his hand on her shoulders and not her hips. He felt her relax slightly under his touch as he ran his hands down her arms.

Once again, the woman barely reacted when Micah's hands moved to her hips and pressed his body against her back. Micah leaned down before planting kisses on her neck, his teeth grazing over her sensitive skin.

"Is this why you've been acting so strange?" Ashley asked, not moving away from him, barely reacting to his actions at all.

"Hm?" He hummed to question her but continued to kiss down and back up her neck.

"Because I haven't fell into bed with you yet?" she asked, her voice blank and void of emotion. The outlaw behind her wasn't sure how to react at all, was she upset with him? Did he do something wrong? Was it something else?

"What are you talking about?" Micah asked as he pulled away from her, gently grabbing her arms to turn her to face him. Ashley turned to face him without any argument, but his hands remained firmly on her upper arms as he looked down at her questioningly.

"Just be honest with me, Micah. Are you annoyed that I haven't got into bed with you?" Ashley asked, crossing her arms over her chest.

"No, I'm not annoyed about that. I am a little annoyed that..." Micah started to explain but drifted off awkwardly, adverting his gaze from hers and Ashley figured that he was embarrassed by what he was about to say.

"That we don't get much time alone together?" She asked, pretty sure that they were thinking the same thing and that was confirmed when he nodded. "Yeah that annoys me too...you didn't have anything to pick up did you?" she asked, smirking as Micah's gaze met hers again.

"No I didn't" he laughed and shook his head, his hands still on her arms.

"You lied to me, Mr Bell" Ashley scolded playfully, raising an eyebrow at the man.

"If you want to leave, the door is right there Darlin'" Micah teased, stepping away from her and pointing at the door.

"You ain't getting rid of me that easy" she chuckled, shaking her head. Micah watched her, waiting for her to do something or to run for the door, but she didn't. Ashley just smiled as she stepped towards him, getting rid of the space that he had put between them. Micah's face remained blank as he watched her step closer, not reacting as she wrapped her arms around his neck. But he instantly placed his hands on Ashley's waist when she pressed her lips to his.

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