10. Luck of the Irish

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Clemens Point was nice, Ashley even liked it a little more than Horseshoe Overlook and the nearby town, Rhodes, seemed like an upgrade from Valentine as well. Plus there was a family feud to exploit so that gave the gang a reason to stay. The camp was completely set up now and everyone had seemed to make themselves comfortable.

"I'm going to check out the saloon, wanna come?" Lenny asked as he walked over to Ashley, smiling politely.

"Sure!" Ashley smiled. Since they had moved camps, they had a new local saloon and a few camp members were interested in checking it out.

"You going to the saloon? I'll come" Sean nodded along cheerfully as he walked over, throwing an arm over Ashley's shoulders energetically.

"I wouldn't say no to a drink" Micah hummed as he strolled over, a blank look on his face.

Lenny rolled his eyes as the blonde man approached them but Ashley gave him a reassuring look. Lenny sighed and nodded, trusting that Ashley would only let Micah come with them if she knew that he wasn't going to be so...Micah. Sean wasn't happy about it either but wouldn't pass up a drink with Ashley and Lenny because it.

As the four of them began walking towards their horses, Ashley subtly dropped back so that she was walking beside Micah with Lenny and Sean in front of them. "Behave yourself" Ashley whispered to him, an obvious threat behind her words.

"Don't I always?" Micah winked before walking a little faster, walking away from her and mounting Baylock with ease. The other three mounted their horses shortly afterwards and all headed out of the camp together.

They talked among themselves, Micah staying rather quiet, as they rode towards the nearby saloon. Once they got to the saloon, the four of them dismounted their horses and hitched them to the post outside. They wandered into the saloon and walked straight up to the bar, Sean loudly ordered four drinks as they all sat down.

It wasn't long before the four outlaws were drinking and all of them, other than Micah, were laughing along together. When Lenny and Sean started playfully bickering between themselves, Ashley looked over at the miserable looking Micah. She gently nudged his knee with her own and smiled slightly at him when he glanced at her. He just nodded at her before taking another sip of his drink, she sighed before returning her attention to the two men on the other side of her.

After about an hour of drinking together and talking about nothing important, Ashley finished her conversation with Lenny and glanced around. She frowned when she couldn't see the familiar sight of red hair.

"Hey, where is Sean?" Ashley asked as she looked around the saloon. As if on cue the three outlaws at the bar heard shouting coming from upstairs. Ashley and Lenny looked at each other with wide eyes before darting up the stairs, Micah just rolled his eyes and finished his drink before following behind them, not in much of a rush like they were. The three of them reached the top of the stairs just in time to see Sean getting slapped in the face by a woman before she slammed the door in his face, leaving the confused Irishman standing outside, beginning to laugh to himself. The three outlaws stared at him for a moment before Ashley burst out in laughter.

"You're a beautiful woman!" Sean called, pointing towards the closed door as he drunkenly stumbled back into the wall behind him. Ashley just laughed again, covering her mouth with her her in an attempt to stop herself. Lenny tried to steady Sean on his feet, while Micah was watching Ashley. He couldn't remember ever seeing her laugh like that, maybe it was because of the alcohol in her system.

"I'm gonna take Sean back to the camp before he gets himself killed" Lenny told Ashley, completely ignoring Micah, before carefully guiding Sean towards the stairs.

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