29. Arthur's Advice

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When the two outlaws got back to the gang's camp they went there separate ways and when anyone asked about the 'job' they had been on, they just told them that it went well. And if they asked why they were gone all night, they simply told them that they had to wait longer than they expected, everyone believed them because they had no reason not to believe them.

Ashley sighed, busying herself with a book, flashing a quick smile at Micah as he walked past her. She quickly returned to her book but couldn't focus, she was too lost in her thoughts. The truth is that she wanted to talk to somebody about Micah. She didn't want to gush about him and giggle about how amazing he is, it was quite the opposite actually. She wanted to talk to somebody about how crazy it was that they had started a relationship, talk to somebody about her doubts and all the confusion she was feeling.

Ashley put down the book with a small groan before standing up. She knew that somebody was going to find out sooner or later, so she thought that she should start talking about it with somebody she trusts and who she knows won't say anything to anyone else.

"Hey Arthur, wanna go for a ride?" Ashley asked as she walked over to the camp fire, a smile on her face.

Ashley knew that Arthur was not a fan of Micah, they had never got along, but she also knew that Arthur could be trusted. He wouldn't tell anyone and she felt comfortable talking about this sort of thing with him.

"Sure, I was getting bored here anyway" Arthur smiled as he stood up from his seat, dusting his pants off, before walking with Ashley towards the horses.

The pair mounted their horses before riding out of camp in a comfortable silence. "Alright, I'm guessing that you didn't want to just go for a ride. What's going on, Ash?" Arthur asked once they got a short distance away from the camp.

"Yeah...it's complicated and you have to promise not to talk about it to anyone else. Oh, and don't judge me" Ashley sighed at how stupid this whole thing sounded.

"Ah, okay...what's bothering you?" he asked, genuinely concerned about his friend.

"I think I like Micah" the woman sighed, not glancing up for a second to look at the man riding beside her.

"You think?" he asked, raising an eyebrow at her.

"Okay, shut up. I know I like Micah" she corrected herself with a small groan of annoyance.

"Yeah, we all figured that out Ash. You go on jobs with him all the time, replacing me. No hard feelings by the way" Arthur chucked, assuring her that every was alright. "You even talk to him in camp, all friendly with each other" he chuckled again and shook his head.  The whole camp has noticed that Micah and Ashley had become friends, a few of them had even cracked a joke or two about the whole thing.

"No, Arthur...I really like him" Ashley sighed, trying to make him understand without actually having to say it.

"Okay, Ash, I love you and everything but you need to talk like an adult right now" he teased, of course he had a strong idea of what she was saying but he was going to make her say it.

"He kissed me, I kissed him, it doesn't matter. We kissed" she told him, speaking a little fast but he understood.

"You kissed Micah Bell...once or...?" Arthur asked, processing exactly what she had said. There was a joke in camp that Micah was sweet on Ashley but they didn't actually think that Ashley would be interested in him.

"More than once" Ashley nodded before laughing to herself, this whole conversation seemed so silly to her.

"So, you two are in a relationship?" he asked and she was thankful that there was no judgement in his voice.

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