48. Home Sweet Home

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Ashley watched the scenery around her while Micah drove the wagon towards the ranch. The ranch was pretty secluded but not too long of a ride to the next town. Ashley couldn't help but smile to herself as they rode up to the ranch.

The house was moderately large, at least to the two outlaws that had never truly lived in a house before. There was a stables, large enough for at least four horses to fit comfortably, and just to the side of that was a large pen like area for the horses to roam around.

Micah stopped the wagon and hopped down before reaching his hand up to Ashley, who happily took it as he helped her down from the wagon. Micah placed his hand on the small of Ashley's back as he walked her towards the house.

"So, what do you think?" Micah asked as they stepped up to the front door.

"It's definitely the nicest place I've ever lived" Ashley smiled up at him as he opened the front door.

"Wait until you see inside" he chuckled to himself, letting her step through the door before following her inside, closing the door behind him.

Ashley stepped in and walked into the living room, a smile appearing on her face. There was a couch sat in front of a coffee table, an armchair sitting just to the side of that and the whole sitting area was placed in front of a fireplace.

The house was still decorated from the previous owner and had a pretty homely and comfortable feeling. They walked through the house and into the kitchen. It was an average kitchen, everything you would expect, and a dining table in the centre of the room.

"One of us is going to have to learn how to cook properly" Ashley laughed to herself, both of them just being used to holding a piece of meat over a fire.

"It can't be that hard" Micah shrugged as he walked past her, looking around the room with her. "The bathroom is just through there" he told her, pointing in the direction of the bathroom. "And the bedrooms are upstairs" he nodded towards the stairs.

"You've out done yourself, Micah Bell" Ashley smiled as she walked towards him, standing in front of him.

"If there is anything you don't like, we can change it" he told her, wanting to make sure that she was completely happy with the ranch. Micah's hands came to rest on her waist.

"Micah...I love it, this is amazing" Ashley chuckled as she shook her head, resting her hands on his shoulders. "This is going to take some getting used too" she laughed to herself. She couldn't be happier about the ranch and everything else but it was definitely going to take some time to get used to living a simpler life.

"I think we will do just fine" Micah chuckled along and made Ashley laugh a little more as he lifted her up like she weighed nothing. Ashley wrapped her arms around Micah's neck and wrapped her legs around his waist.

"I know we will" Ashley smiled, placing a lingering kiss on Micah's lips as he sat her down on top of the dining table. Micah's hands soothed up and down her waist while Ashley played with the ends of his hair, as he stood between her legs.

"I think we have some decisions to make" Micah hummed, combing his fingers through her hair and pushing it out of her face.

"Hmm, like what?" she hummed back, subconsciously leaning into his touch.

"When are we going to teach this one to shoot?" he asked with a small smirk, his other hand moving to rest on her stomach.

"Well I knew how to properly shoot a gun when I was about twelve, had to learn to defend myself after all" Ashley shrugged, she had learnt how to shoot when she was young because her father wanted her to be safe when he wasn't around but he didn't teach her too shoot when she was too young because he still wanted her to be a child.

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