Chapter three

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It's a 20 minute drive from my house to their's and i hated every second of it. When we arrived we all got out and i went up to my room, my bag was already on my bed and i jumped on my bed lying face down.

"Ugh" I say loudly

"What's up with you?" Dante says walking in laughing

"Nothing" I reply not looking up at him.

"I was just coming to say that were gonna play some GTA, you wanna play?"

"No thanks"

"Ok, oh also Vincent says teas going to be ready at 7"


"See ya later then" he says walking out

It's only 4 so I bring out my laptop and start to watch some teen wolf.

7 o'clock

I walk downstairs and into the lounge, Alessandro, Zeke and Dante are all sitting on the couches playing GTA. I sit down and go on my phone waiting for dinner. Vincent comes into the room and says dinners ready and we all go to the table to sit down. I sit between Bellamy and Zeke because that's the only other seat free. Everyone else is already sitting down and eating.

"So Dad, me, Dante, Zeke and Leah are all gonna go to the movies tonight, is that alright?"

"What time will you be back?"

"Probably like 12:30, we might go get ice cream or something afterwards so don't wait up". "Leah what movie are you all going to?" Vincent says looking up at me, i can tell he doesn't believe Alessandro. Alessandro looks up at me with wide eyes and Zeke looks at me warningly.

"Uh, um" Come on Leah think of something! My inner voice says to me, "Uh, The notebook" I can literally sense my inner self hitting her head with her hand. Zeke looks at me in disbelief, Dante starts coughing from choking on his food and Alessandro just keeps his head down.

"The notebook aye?"

"Yep" I say keeping my head down.

"But that movie came out ages ago so why are they still showing it?" I can't think of a reply, "uh" but Alessandro butts in (thankfully)

"its like some anniversary or something so they are showing it again", he says looking unfazed and carrying on with eating his food.

"I didn't know you boys were into things like The notebook",

"Were not but Leah was begging us to go".

"I am not an idiot, you know" VIncent's says seriously, he looks over at me again,

"Leah where are you really going because i hope that it isn't a party because these three boys are not allowed to go after what happened last time", Zeke looks at me with a death stare.

"Um no it's not a party, were just going to, um, to"


"to my friends house",

"Your friends house? What's their name?",

"Alivia and Mia, their twins",

"Oh yes i remember Tina saying something about them. Just check thats its alright for you to go with your mum" he says and goes back to his meal. I can tell that he didn't believe me though.

"Yep" I say in a tiny voice. I look across the table at Alessandro wondering what happened last time at the party.

Dinner after that wasn't too event full, everyone just ate and talked about stuff, well except me, i just ate. Although Matteo and Leo did start kicking each other under the table and Vincent told them to go to their rooms. But nothing happened after that.

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