Chapter Sixteen

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"Hey" I say as I pick up the phone. After dropping Alivia and Mia off at the airport I went home and watched tv all day. It's now 7:30 and Dante's calling me. Mum went out with Vincent and won't be back until late. 

"Hey, I was wandering if I could come over and we watch a movie or something?" I instantly start smiling and I feel like my heart is all warm. 

"Yeah, that would be awesome" I reply

"Ok, cool. I'm outside your house" He says and I look out the window and see him standing there smiling up at me. 

"What would you have done if I had of said no" I ask laughing as I run downstairs to open the door

"Pleaded and begged until you said yes" He says as I open the door and he's standing there. We end the call and he walks in. 

We talk for a while and then we watch a movie, in the movie one of the guys always call this girl beautiful and so he's always like 'hey beautiful' and things like that. So Dante starts calling me that. 

"Come on, why don't you like it, beautiful" He says smiling cheekily because he knows I don't like it 

"Coz, I don't" I say back laughing

"But you are beautiful" He says quietly, looking me straight in the eyes. We're sitting on the couch facing each other and I'm not sure how to react. Nobody except my Mum has ever called me beautiful. 

"Thanks" I say blushing and look away from him 

He moves closer to me then turns my head with his forefinger and thumb to look him in the eyes, 

"Can I kiss you?" He whispers looking in my eyes then looking at my lips. My heart beats faster than it has ever felt before, I don't know how to kiss but I want to so badly. 

"Yes" I whisper and he puts one of his hands on the side of my cheek. With his other hand he pulls me up onto his lap while we're still kissing. I feel like fireworks are exploding in my stomach, the good kind though, until...

*Cough, cough*

I pull myself away from Dante and look past him. My Mum and Vincent are standing in the doorway of the living room, how did I not hear them come in!?

I quickly get off Dante's lap and look forward. It's only like 11 o'clock, usually they don't come back till at least 2am when they have been having a club party. I'm not allowed to go even though Zeke and Alessandro are, but honestly I don't mind that much because I would way rather watch tv at home. 

Dante looks round at Mum and Vincent and then looks back at me in panic. 

"Having fun there Dante?" Vincent asks, I can't tell if he's just trying to mess with us or if he is actually angry, but I mean I'm 15 nearly 16 so it's not like I'm too young to be kissing anyone. 

"Uh" He says back before my Mum cuts in 

"I think it's passed your bed time Leah" she says and motions for me to go up to my room. I don't have a bed time, Mum was just saving me from feeling too awkward 

"Ok" I squeak out, "Bye Dante" I say and run upstairs 

I look down out of my window and I see Dante driving off in Vincents car, Vincent stays here quite a bit but after the wedding me and Mum will be moving into his house. 

*Knock, Knock*

"Can I come in?" My Mum asks 

"I'm sleeping" I say, it was the first thing that came to mind but I guess I should think before I speak more

"So you and Dante. It's pretty cute I have to admit, but no more meeting by yourselves in the house. Especially not if Vincent knows" my Mum says sitting down on my bed, next to me 

"Argh, that was sooo embarrassing" I say with my face turned into the pillow

"No" She says laughing, "we already knew you guys were a thing and-" 

"We're not a thing!" I say with my head still in the pillow

"But you'd like to be" Mum says teasingly 

"Go away" I laugh 

"Goodnight Leah, love you" she says as she starts to get up

"Goodnight Mum, love you too" I reply lifting my head up from the pillow

Mum leaves and then I fall asleep dreaming of Dante. 

It's currently Wednesday morning and I'm walking to school. I didn't go to school yesterday because I was with Alivia and Mia in the morning and then I was too sad in the afternoon.

I'm walking to school as normal, listening to Yungblud to try zone out life around me and it's working until all of a sudden a van pulls up right beside me, it all happens so fast and I barely have any time to react. Three guys get out dressed in balaclava's and try to grab me, I struggle against their grip and start screaming.

"Shut up bitch" One of them says and lifts me off the ground and throws me in the van.

I try to get out but they all get in and we drive off. One of the guys is holding me down while another one presses a cloth on my mouth, within seconds my vision becomes blurry and I black out. 

Tina's POV

Leah didn't turn up at school and iv'e called everyone that she might be with but none of them know where she is. 

I'm currently in Vincent's club house in his office pacing back and forth. 

"You better fucking find her!" I yell at him. I shouldn't be taking this out on him especially since I don't know if someone took her. But I think that someone has because my daughter hates missing school because then she has to catch up and she already has missed a lot of school over the past few days. 

"Ok, I think I found where their taking her" Jace the tech guy of the club says. He's sitting next to Vincent on his laptop, tracking Leah's phone 

"Where?" Vincent says and I run over to the computer 

"She's here" he says pointing to a moving dot, "we think 'The Hounds' have her, they'll most likely be taking her to their club house which is here" He says pointing to a building. 

I turn to Vincent, I'm pissed as hell. Leah is a sweet girl, she's scared of the dark, she doesn't deserve this and I'm so pissed at myself for letting her get in this situation. 

"What are you gonna do!?" I yell at him

"I'm thinking" Vincent says  

"Think fucking faster!" I yell at him 

"I can't with you yelling at me!" He yells back at me 

I sit down in the chair in front of his desk and cross my arms, I look straight at him so he knows I'm pissed off. 

"Ok, I'm calling church" he says, "tell the guys" he says to Jace and walks out the door. I follow him and sit at the bar while he carries on walking and goes through a door. I'm not allowed in church because I'm not a member of the club. I don't give a shit right now about the rules but I don't have time to piss Vincent and the other guys right now so I just sit and wait. 

Dante, Zeke and Alessandro run into the club house

"Their all in church" I say. None of them are officially in the club yet so they also can't go in 

They sit beside me and we wait silently, it's killing me, having to wait while I know that my daughter is in the hands of people who would hurt her without giving it a second thought. 

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