Chapter Fourteen

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I leave them alone because I think they might want to be. I walk downstairs and sit down opposite Dante.

"Is she alright? She wouldn't let me see" Mia asks me panicky and sadly. I look up at Dante and then Zeke and they both have grave faces so I'm guessing that Mia told them what happened.

"She's pretty bad. Mum's gonna be here soon though so she will be able to check that there's no serious damage. You and Alivia can stay here till you decide what to do." I say trying to smile so that Mia isn't too worried about Alivia. 

Alivia said that her Dad locked Mia in the cupboard and then went back to beating Alivia so that Mia didn't try stop him. He punched and kicked her in the stomach, back and legs but didn't touch her face because then someone would of seen and asked how it happened. 

"Thanks" Mia say's looking at me with her eye's full of tears. I can tell she's feeling really guilty but she has no reason to, their Dad has problems that he needs to sort out.   

I quickly pull out my phone to text Mum

'Hey Mum, when are you home? Because Mia and Alivia are here at the house because their Dad beat Alivia up pretty bad but she won't go to the hospital to get checked out, I think she will be fine but I just wanted you to check that she was alright. Oh, also I said they could stay here until they decide what to do.'

I go back to playing with Dante and Mia and Zeke go outside to get some fresh air. 

After a while Mum texts back 

'I'll come straight from the airport home so I should be there around 6-6:30. Do you know where their Dad is know? I just don't want him turning up and trying to take the girls away'

Oh, I didn't even think of that 

'I don't know where he is but Alessandro, Zeke and Dante are here so he won't really be able to take them'

'Ok good. I'll see you when I'm home' 

"Can we play something else?" Dante asks, "It's no fair coz you're way a head of me" He says gesturing down to the game board. 

"Haha sure, wanna watch a movie?" I ask, 

"Yeah, sounds great" He says and we pack up the game. 

We end up watching an episode of Doctor Who because apparently Dante has survived for 17 years without even knowing that there was a tv show called Doctor Who. 

After an episode and a half Mum comes back. 

"Where is she?" She says and she walks through the door with Vincent behind her. 

"Upstairs in my room with Alessandro" I say and I follow Mum up the stairs.

'knock, knock'

Mum gently taps on the door, "Can I come in?" 

"Yes" Alessandro replies quietly 

We walk in and I see Alivia asleep on Alessandro's lap. She's sitting sideways on him, he's holding her back up with his arm around her while she's leaning into his chest. She's fast asleep but I can tell that she has been crying a lot more after I left because her eye's are more red and puffy. 

Mum walks over to Alivia and gently rubs her shoulder, "Alivia, can you wake up? I just want to check that you are alright" 

Alivia slowly wakes up and rubs her eyes, she moves of Alessandro and sits on my bed. 

"Hi Tina" She says, her throats all croaky which was before but just not as much, I look at her neck and I realise that there is bruising there. 

"How are you feeling?" Mum asks and Alessandro walks out the door saying, "I'll leave you guys alone". 

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