Chapter six

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Leah's POV

I wake up but i don't open my eyes. I can feel the vibration of being in a car and i guess that someone is taking me home. I pretend to still be asleep because i really don't want to talk to anyone right now, especially after just fainting and the embarrassment of that. I just want to go home, watch gossip girl, eat and sleep. I am so mad at my Mum right now, how could she knowingly marry someone who's involved in all this! And i'm pretty sure she knows because Vincent wouldn't of told me that stuff when we were in the car before if he hadn't told Mum.

"Leah, I know you are awake" God that is creepy, i thought i was doing a pretty good job at pretending

"I'm sorry about scaring you before. And about what Dante told you"

This took me off guard, i did not think Vincent was the type of person to ever say sorry.

"Um, its okay" I say and sit up facing the front because i was huddled in the corner before.

"No its not. I should have told you in little bits. Not all at once. I love your Mum Leah, and i'm always going to protect you and her."

"Thank you" I say quietly

"And I know i might seem scary to you but please never be scared me. I would never hurt you or your Mum and i would never let anyone ever, ever hurt you two. And I hope you really do like living in our house because we can change anything you want us to. I have already warned Alessandro and Zeke to never be mean to you or hurt your feelings so you shouldn't worry about them. And if you ever feel scared or worried you can always come and talk it over with me. I will always be there for you."

I've never had a Dad, and if this is what it feels like then I'm kind of glad i've kind of got one now. 

"Thank you for saying that" I say quietly

"I mean it Leah, anything you ever need just ask and whenever you need to talk just say and we can talk everything and anything over"

It was silent after that, but not in a bad way, it was a comfortable silence.

When we arrived home i went upstairs and read my book feeling happy. I mea,. i felt super awkward the whole time we were speaking but i liked our conversation. And living here will still be really awkward a lot of the time because i mean i'm going to be living with and being a family with people I have practically only just met but i feel a whole lot better about it. 

A/N: Sorry for the really short chapter but I promise the next one will be longer. School exams have just finished and so I should be able to write a whole lot more now. Thanks for reading!

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