Chapter Eight

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I go up to my room and change into a pink cropped hoodie, blue ripped jeans and black converses. I straighten my hair and put on some mascara and lip balm and finish the look of with the neckless that Mia and Alivia got me for my birthday last year. It's a golden moon because I love looking and dreaming about the moon and the stars. 

"Ready yet?" Dante says coming into my room without knocking 

"You could knock you know" I say sarcastically trying to put the necklace on 

He walks over to me and takes the necklace of me and puts it around my neck "I could. But I don't want to". His fingers brush the back of my neck sending tingles down my spine. 

"Thanks" I say referring to his helping me with my necklace. I get up to get my phone from my bed side table where it was charging then walk out the door 

"You coming?" I say still walking  and he follows me out the door 

We walk down to the front door but turn left before we go out. I didn't even realise it before but a couple of metres away there is a door that goes into a garage and we walk through it 

"Wow" I mumble under my breath. How did I not know this was here? This garage is massive, it has like ten cars just parked and all the cars are really fancy.

"Vincent has way more under ground but these are just the ones he lets his sons and me use" he says grabbing keys from a rack on the wall. We walk over to a black Audi R8, he holds the door open for me to get in then he gets in on the drivers side. He starts it up then presses a button in the car and the garage door moves up. The car that we're in was right at the front so we just drive straight out. 

The drive to the movie theatre was fine, we didn't really talk just listened to music.

When we get there we park and then go inside. But just as we go in I see a bunch of girls from school standing in the line. Internally, I'm crying and screaming. We walk in and stand behind them, one girl turns around and smiles the fakest smile I have ever seen. 

"Dante!" she squeaks. It's Bianca. Bianca is one of the most bitchest girls I have ever met. She is also one of the heads of the popular group (there are 3 girls all tied for the most popular).

"Bianca, hey" Dante says unenthusiastically and then looks down at his phone to check the time. On the way here we searched up what movies were on and at what times. The movie theatre is massive and always has movies on so we weren't worried about one not being on when we got there. 

We decided to watch Avengers: Endgame. We have both already watched it before but we wanted to watch it again

"Are you, like on a date ?" She asks in her sickly sweet stupid voice laughingly 

I can feel my checks going bright red

"We're just friends" Dante replies looking her straight in the eyes with no expression. He has dark brown eyes that are the kind that you could get lost in, his brown hair is falling a little on his fore head. I have to look up to him because he is like half a foot taller than I am. 

"Oh, ok good. Because we both now you could do so much better" she says trying to look at him seductively but failing miserably.

By this time her friends have all gone to the counter and payed and are now calling out for her to  as well.

"Oh look, the other dogs are calling you" Dante says mockingly 

She huffs then turns around swishing her long fake blonde hair walking towards the counter 

Luckily Dante doesn't want to speak after that and so we pay for our tickets and walk in to watch the movie. Well, Dante paid, I said I could pay for myself but he said he would and so I just let him because I didn't want to make it seem awkward or anything.

The movie was so sad, I knew it was going to be sad but re-watching it just brung up so many sad emotions all over again. 

Remember the mascara I was wearing? Well thankfully it was water proof, for once in my life I had thought ahead. 

Walking out of the movie's I noticed Dante's eyes were a little red too.

"You okay there Dante?" I ask laughing 

"Yes. I'm fine" he says laughing, "You okay?" he says smiling and putting his arm around my shoulders as we walk out of the building and to the car.

"As fine as you" I say laughing

We drive home and talk about the movie. It's weird, usually I find it hard talking to people that I don't really know but with Dante it's so easy. 

When we get back it's nearly time for tea and so we go into the living room and play a game of uno. I win and then we play another game but this time with Matteo and Leo playing too. 

However, I learn that Matteo is not a very good loser and Leo doesn't help at all. Leo made Matteo pick up 4 cards (it's a rule in uno) which made Matteo mad and throw the cards everywhere and storm off while Leo laughs and calls him a baby.

"What did you do Leo?" Alessandro says and comes sits on the couch behind us. We are all sitting in a circle on the ground.

"Nothing" Leo says, "Matteo's just being a baby" 

Alessandro rolls his eyes then gets up and leaves. He comes back a little later with a snivelling Matteo and they both sit down and play a round of uno. 

"Tea's ready" Ida the maid says and we all walk into the dinning room.

Tea was okay, I mean the food was excellent, it's just the I'm still really awkward around everyone except Dante and Dante was sitting away from me. I was sitting beside Zeke on one side and Alessandro on the other who was sitting next to Vincent. Dante was sitting next to Zeke and so I was awkwardly just sitting in the middle eating and not talking. Well, that was until Vincent decides to give me some terrible news. 

I was meant to be going home tomorrow morning because that's when Mum's flight comes in. 

"Also Leah, I nearly forgot to tell you but your Mum's decided to go see you aunt for a couple of days. So you will be staying here until Monday after school, I hope you don't mind?" Vincent says casually.

"Uh, no, no that's fine" I say. It's not. It's terrible. I'm going to have to go to school with them and everyone is going to see me. 

I like being the invisible one that no one notices but I guess thats all going to change...

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