Chapter Twelve

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I don't like attention! In fact I hate it with a passion. I hate everybody looking at me and talking about me or worse, talking to me! It's terrible, how do people like it!?

We pull up to the car park and go into the park at the very front that everybody reserves for Alessandro's car. It isn't an official reserval but everyone treats it as one.

Dante and a group of Zeke and Alessandro's friends are standing in front of the park. My checks are on fire, they are all staring at me and even when i walk away I can still feel their eyes on my back. I didn't smile or say hi to Dante because then I would of had to avert my gaze from my shoes and when I'm in school, that never happens.

First period was fine. I sat in the front of the class while the teacher droned on about Hippocrates and why he was so great. Usually I like History but today I just couldn't concentrate.

Second period however was terrible. Remember Bianca? Well, because she is so dumb she got put down a year in Math. So I had to deal with her and her bratty friends whispering about me behind my back. They were basically just saying I was a slut and my Mum was a gold digger  (they must have found out about my Mum and Vincent) and stuff like that. 

By the time that third period started I just didn't want to be at school anymore. I have never ditched school before, but I guess there's a first time for everything. 

It's currently 10:15 and I'm walking into the busy part of town. Alivia has a free period so we are going to meet up at our favourite coffee shop. 

"Hey" I say sitting down at the corner table. 

"Hi. What initiated this sudden rebeliousy" Alivia asks laughing 

"Ugh. I just can't deal with school at the moment. Ok, but iv'e got some exciting news" I say practically squealing. Alivia ordered me a coffee and her a hot chocolate and they just came. 

"Tell me" she says excited

I sip the piping hot coffee then begin. 

I tell her all about my date with Dante. I know that she already knew that I was going to have one because he asked her and Mia about it but I gave her a play-by-play of it.

"Aw, that is so sweet" she says 

"I know aye" I agree 

Someone texts her and she looks down at it. "Ooh, I think your gonna be in trouble" she says laughing 

"Huh?" I ask 

"Your Mum just texted me asking if I know where you are" 

Oh crap I think in my head. I completely forgot about the consequences of my actions. 

"What do you want me to say?" Alivia asks

"Ah, I'll text her on my phone" I say and I take my phone out of my pocket. There are 13 text messages and 3 missed calls, oops. 

This is the conversation

'Hey Mum, I felt a little sick so I went into town to a cafe to feel better, sorry I didn't tell u' I know it's a stupid excuse but I was time pressured.

'Lia! I was so worried. You never just leave school without telling me, don't do it again!'

'Yeah I'm sorry I won't' 

End of conversation

"Sorted" I say to Alivia smiling

"Wow, your Mum is so chill. If my Dad found out I was ditching he would ground me for life" She says laughing. 

We continue sitting there until Alivia has to leave for school. Then I walk back to my house and watch 'The Princess Diaries' and eat popcorn. 

Dante texts me around lunch time 

Dante- Where r u

Leah- At home

Dante- Why

Leah- Because I didn't feel like being at school

Dante- Can I come over?

I look around at my house. It's a mess. No, worse than that, a pig sty. 

Leah- Yeah sure. 

Dante- Ok cool. I'll be round in like 15 mins

Leah- Ok, see you then 

There is no way Dante is seeing my house in the way that it is right now. I race around shoving everything away into cupboards. A heap of pencils and paper that I was drawing with a couple of weeks ago go under the couch. Everything on the kitchen bench which is like magazines, candy that I haven't eaten yet, gum and basically everything you can think of, gets sweaped into a draw. All the laundry that I was meant to fold ages ago that was sitting in a pile in the corner gets carried up into my Mums room, I'll deal with that later. I quickly get the vacuum cleaning out and vacuum but I don't want Dante to hear it when he comes so I make it super quick. Which is lucky because right when I close the cupboard door where the vacuum cleaner is stored, Dante knocks on the door. 

I run to the door and check that I look alright in the mirror that's next to the door. I don't look alright, I look hot and flustered but I can't do anything about it now. 

I open the door and see Dante standing there smiling at me. In 'Jane the virgin' when a character is happy/loving something or someone, the place where their heart is situated glows up. 

I feel like my heart is glowing up right now. 

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