Chapter Nine

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I'm trying to sleep but I'm still pretty pissed off at my Mum and Vincent for making me stay here longer. I mean I don't completely hate it here but I defiantly don't want to turn up to school on Monday in Alessandro's car, everyone is always watching as he turns up to school in his car with the windows rolled down and load music on.

I'm trying to think of anything else when I hear a soft knock on the door. I don't answer it because I don't feel like talking to anyone right now.

"Leah?" I hear Dante say

I don't respond, it's not that I didn't want to truly, it's just that my brain couldn't respond fast enough to his words.

"Leah, wake up" he says and gently nudges my shoulder

'Fuck, fuck, fuck', I keep saying in my head, if I pretend to wake up now I know that it will look so fake, so i pretend to still be asleep.

He pushes back my hair and starts touching my neck, then he leans down and whispers in my ear so that I get goosebumps, "I know your away Leah"

Ah shit.

"What do you want Dante, don't you see that I'm sleeping?" I say pretending to be annoyed at him.

"I see that you're trying to sleep, but I thought that you might wanna do something funner" he says smoothly.

I can feel my checks blushing because of what I'm thinking inside my head so I turn more into my pillows,

"Like what" I grumble

"Come on, I'll show you" he says and starts to leave

And again, it's not that I don't want to move it's just that I get slightly paralysed when he talks to me and my limbs don't want to move.

"Come on Leah" he says and walks back to me and picks me up bridal style

"Let, me, go" I say trying to move. He must be really strong because he didn't even loosen his grip a little. All that working out must have payed off.

He doesn't reply verbally but instead looks down at me and smiles and so my checks go bright red with embarrassment. I look away as quick as I can so that hopefully he doesn't notice, but then he chuckles. Oh no, that chuckle makes butterflies do somersaults in my stomach.

"Where are we going" I try to say sounding unbothered but I don't think it came out that way.

"It's a surprise" he says. He's already carried me all the way downstairs. He does it with such ease that it doesn't even seem like he's holding anything.

We go into the garage and he puts me into a car. I couldn't see what of car it was when I was outside it but now that I'm in it I think it must be a ute of some kind. A pretty fancy ute though. 

Dante gets in beside me and starts the car, we leave the house and drive down the road.

"Dante, where are we going?" I ask looking around but it's too dark to see. I'm still in my pyjama shorts and hoodie which I sleep in, now I'm wishing I changed because I'm freezing. 

"It's a surprise" he says smiling and turning up the heater on in the car

"When will we get there?" I ask 

"In like 20 or 25 minutes. It's just outta town"

"Does Vincent know I'm gone?" 

"You know you ask a lot of questions" Dante says chuckling looking at me 

"Well, does he?" 

"If he did this wouldn't be half as fun" Dante says smoothly 

"If we get caught I'm fully blaming you" I say laughing but being serious. Vincent still scares me. 

"I wouldn't expect any different" he says 

After about 20 minuets later he tells me to put a blindfold on. 

"This is a bit weird you know" I say when iv'e put it on

"I want it to be a surprise. Hey, keep it on" He pulls the blindfold back over my eyes when I try take it off

After another 5 minuets of us just talking and bickering he stops the car. 

"Wait here, and don't peek!" he says and gets out of the car door. 

Dante comes round to my side and then opens the door and takes my hand guiding me out of the ute and then around it, he then he picks me up by the waist and lifts me onto the deck of the ute. 

"Can I take this off yet? Ow" I ask pointing to the blindfold but then I end up poking myself in the eye. 

He chuckles then stands up beside me, he turns me around and guides me so that I sit down on the deck of the ute. There must be cushions or something there because it's comfortable. 

"Now you can" he whispers beside my ear 

I take off the blind fold and look at the view. It's amazing. It's breath taking. It's a better view than I've every seen before.

We are on a big hill that overlooks the whole city. The city lights look amazing

"Leah Look up" he whispers in my ear and pushes my chin upwards with his hand 

Above me there are a thousand stars, all gleaming brightly. I don't think that I have ever seen so many at once, it's incredibly breathtaking. 

I stay looking up at the stars and ask, 

"H-how did you know?" 

"Alivia told me" 

I smile and continue star gazing. Mia, Alivia and I all have 'perfect' dates that we want to go on, this was my perfect date.

It's freezing and so we snuggle under blankets, but I don't think my checks have ever been hotter than they are right now, thankfully though, it's too dark for Dante to see. 

This is a date.

Well, I think it must be at least, I mean what else would you call it? 

I'm on a date. An actual date. I am lying next to a super cute boy who I feel like I can tell all my secrets. 

This is amazing

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