Chapter four

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It's saturday morning and i wake up to Alessandro, Zeke and Dante standing around my bed.

"Wake up Leah" Zeke yells

"Go away" i say trying to hide in my blanket. It's way to early in the morning to be seeing these faces. 

"Dad says we're all going to the boxing ring in 20" Zeke says

"I'm not going"

"Yes you are" Alessandro says

"I have homework"

"Then do it later" Dante says in a 'duh' tone

"But i'll be so bored"

"No, your going to box too" Dante says 

"I don't know how to"

"Then Dante will teach you" Alessandro says

"I don't want to"

"Too bad" Zeke says and walks out of my room followed close behind by Alessandro and Dante.

I drag myself up out of bed and look at the time, its 1pm! How did i sleep that long! (It was probably because my sub conscious wanted to keep my conscious from having to be awake in this house, which I appreciate). The boys were all wearing sports clothes so i decide to wear sports clothes too, although it's lucky that i even brought any because i can't remember the last time i even went for a walk apart from to and from school. 

I change into my  black leggings (that I usually only wear when I tell my Mum that I'm going for a run when I really go to the library) and a  black long sleeved sports t-shirt with a small white logo on the front. I put on my black nike shoes and put my hair in french braids so it can stay out of my face. I decide to put contacts in instead of wearing my glasses even though i hate putting them in and taking them out but it'll be easier than having to wear glasses while exercising. And because it's kind of cold outside i put on my 'friends' white oversized hoodie.

We all go outside (and i mean everyone) and get into cars. I'm about to get into Alessandro's car but Vincent says to get in his. That man scares me, i mean i'm not afraid he'll hurt me but that's only because of my mum because i'm sure he's hurt plenty of other people before. 

We start driving and i'm sitting in the back behind Vincent who's driving, Justin's on the other side and Bellamy is in the front. Again, if i haven't told you enough already before, i am a very nervous and anxious person, so being in a car with people i barely know and are meant to like is very awkward for me. 

But i try to just kept looking out the window in hope that the car rides conversations only stay between Vincent, Bellamy and Justin and not including me. But i have my bad luck and so it does not.

"So Leah, how was your friend's house yesterday?" Vincent asks looking at me in the rear view mirror in the car smiling.

Oh no this is not good, i am a terrible liar and i hate having to lie to him, of course i told my mum were i was going but i told her not to tell Vincent which she wasn't happy with but agreed.

"Um, yeah, it was good" I reply meekly

I hear Bellamy chuckle in the front

"What did you do?"

"Uh, not much just hung out really and watched a movie"

"Which movie?" Argh why couldn't i have just ended it at just hanging out! I try to think of a movie that the boys would watch

"Uh fast and furious"

"Which one?"

"Um, the first one" I didn't even know there was more than one

"And what happened in it?" Vincent says and i can hear Justin trying not to burst out laughing beside me but I don't know whats so funny. 

"Um, there was a car chace, and they were mad about it" I say as more of a question than answer

"What else?"

"Uh well, there, there was this guy and this other guy and they were, um mad at each other" I seriously have no idea what happens in the movie i'm just trying to make it vague enough so he won't know i haven't watched it.

"Why were they angry at each other?" Fuck think of something!

"Um, it was, over a girl"

"Leah have you ever even watched this movie?"

"Um" I have no idea what to do. If i tell him the truth then the boys will get in trouble and they will hate me but i can't keep this together much longer. I decide to tell him, better that they boys get in trouble than me.

"We went to a party" I quickly say

"He knows" Justin says laughing


"Your a terrible liar Leah so i called your Mum"

"And you still let us go?"

"Well, it was your first party"

"Oh, um thanks"

"But don't ever lie to me again" he says as his face turns form happy to serious

"Um, nope, no i won't"


We carry on driving. I can't believe that just happened, i am so going to yell at Mum over this, she promised she wouldn't tell him!

After a while Vincent starts talking to me, this can't be good i think to myself...

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