Rainy Days (Platonic Hance)

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Warning: Depressing

Ships: Platonic Hance

Lance felt like shit. His so-called teammates were all in a meeting, without him. Sure, they had bonding moments and worked together sometimes, but they weren't always a team. Keith did his thing with Shiro, Hunk and Pidge fix stuff, and Allura and Coran remembered Altea. Together. Lance just felt forgotten. Shattered. His depression was getting worse. He would tell the team, but he wouldn't want the team to say the same thing. " You'll get over it." He still remembers that moment with his family.

For some reason, he just didn't want to wake up. He wanted to fade away into the abyss called space, and find his family. He missed them, and the inky abyss of thoughts that constantly
filled his mind, scratch that, plagued it only made his homesickness worse. He found the urge to rise from the bed and just stare into space, wondering, " What would happen if I just floated there lifelessly?" He probably wouldn't be found, he thought.

Arriving ten minutes late for training, he shot his signature smile. In his mind, he was sobbing while jumping around and clawing his head. Lance had suspected for a while that he had ADHD because of how hyper he was and how he couldn't focus, but he never brought it up with his family. His mind was going insane right now. 

Lance found himself at the dining table with the other paladins. Maybe he just didn't remember training and walking to the table due to sleep deprivation. Still, he wondered, " Why am I here?" He must've actually whispered it, because Hunk, who was sitting next to him, was concerned. Hunk turned towards him, eyes full of sadness and said," Lance, is something wrong?" Keith, being the idiot he is, said that Lance was just looking for attention as always. Even though Lance was on the verge of crying, he said, " At least I'm not an emo loner!" Allura, deciding now was an opportunity to yell at Lance, told Lance in front of  the team " Lance, stop being a quiznacking drama queen."

Lance went to his room. There was nothing happy waiting there for him. Everything was fake and meaningless, even himself.

Indigo out

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