Inner colors

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Lance sighed. Why now of all days? Why does he have this feeling of despair? Of loneliness? Of restlessness? Why today?

Allura shrieked over the intercom with Pidge and Coran (that gorgeous man ), demanding the rest of the paladins meet them at the bridge.

Allura explained that they were trying to create an alliance with the Voenelemiteloowteay, creatures who could possibly convert Zarkon and Haggar back to their original selves. These creatures can tamper with emotions, like reveal peoples true emotions or make them happy. Allura revealed that they were trying to form an alliance with these people. She said to refer to them as Voenels. They all drove in their lions to the planet, Allura and Coran following closely behind with the castle.

First Day with the Voenels.

Lance felt a bit of unease around these people. They were so calm, like they never knew suffering or sorrow. Allura was talking with the leader, while Coran was trying out a weird delicacy of the Voenels. Some old Voenels were congregating in a corner, talking among themselves when they announced that the planet Voen was in an alliance with Voltron. The old Voenels led the paladins away, along with Allura and Coran to a futuristic flower shaped room. The paladins and Alteans were led away to separate rooms. They could all see each other. The Voenels said that a gas would be released. This gas would cause the paladins to turn the color of their emotions.

Black= Hatred, suicidal

Blue= Sadness, depression

Red= Anger, Passion

Green= Knowledge

Purple= Cunning

Yellow= Happieness

Pink= Love

Orange= Insecurity

Grey= grieving

The gas filled all the rooms.

Everyone looked at each other, suprised. Lance called out. His room was starting to fill with black, grey, blue, and streaks of other colors. The colors started filling the room. It was almost up to his knee. Now it was up to his chest. Then his neck. He called out for help. The cries stopped as his head slipped under. He was almost about to drown as the room emptied of all of the liquid, leaving behind a shook boy. Lance started crying. His teammates talked, unaware of what had happened.

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