Not all is as it seems

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Indigo here.

Anyway, I just began high school and its hella difficult, so sorry about the horrible upload schedule.

Lets begin!


Lance watched. He stood there as all of his teammates fought against Zarkon. It was the big battle. The culmination of all their efforts. The thing they were waiting for.

But Lance knew something they didn't.

What was Voltron really fighting for? 

Shiro said, "Righteousness."

Pidge said, "Justice."

Keith said, "Revenge."

Hunk said, "Peace."

Allura and Coran just looked at him funny and walked away.

How could they really rely on the words of Allura, Coran, and Shiro? Could they trust them?

This moment was when Lance started doubting everything.


Lance searched and searched. He talked to aliens on planets they had "saved". He noticed an unusual pattern.

All the aliens he talked to sort of glitched. For example, if he asked something about their tribe, they would say a completely random response.

He had to get to the bottom of this.


So Lance did. He researched into the castles technology. He researched into Zarkon's monologues. He found that it all seemed programmed.

So, one day, he took the blue lion and ventured out into space. He spotted a planet.

As blue touched the ground, Lance stood. He walked out of blue, and approached the aliens gathered around.

He asked them, "Who's Zarkon?"

What they replied was shocking.

"Zarkon is the man who built a stable infrastructure for us. The Alteans wanted control over the universe, but Zarkon fought them."

He went to another planet. He got the same response.

He then knew that they, Voltron, were the bad guys.

So he dedicated himself to help Zarkon defeat Voltron.


This brings us to present time. The paladins are fighting Galra. Allura is fighting Zarkon.

All of a sudden, Allura yells, "The Alteans need to rule the universe to restore balance! Stop trying to interfere."

Everyone stops. Allura is fumbling with her words, desperately wishing for a way to turn back time. A way to swallow all the words she just said.

And the cradle breaks.

The paladins stare, numbly, at the chaos they've caused. They thought they were the good. The superheroes. The white knight of this universe.

They could have never expected this.

Zarkon knocks Allura out. 

He explains everything from start to end.

The paladins are broken. What have they been doing? Have they been hurting anyone? Are they the murderers?

They silently sob as they depart for Earth.

And the pieces fall.

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