I wish

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Major Character Death


None (I'm trying to be more ship inclusive but I just don't know which one to write about.)

(If you have any ship or prompt ideas, let me know in the vote chapter.)


Teaser for this chapter...

"Stupid plant!" I shout. This plant was making me feel weird. It made me feel like I needed to obey anything. Everything.


Lance's point of view-

We were going to go to some planet called Ibernus. Allura was briefing us on the planet and its inhabitants. I only heard a little. Something along the lines of, " Plant... Tempting... Touch... Silver."

I climb into Blue and felt comforting waves from her. She must know how I feel right now. I don't feel as happy as usual. I'm nervous. I feel like I'm worthless. Useless. A seventh wheel. Stupid. Blue sends me comforting waves, and the thoughts fade away. Blue glides among the stars and near the other lions. I let Blue do her thing and relax. After all, the Galra were too busy with their weird ass purple ceremony to bother us. Keith was doing the ceremony with the Blade of Marmora.

Then, we arrived. We got out of our lions and stood respectfully as the Ibernians applauded their efforts. There was a beautiful parade with colorful powder being thrown everywhere. Our hair had splashes of colorful dust. The parade ended with the king greeting us.

The king and Allura did some diplomatic talk, something about chereze? I honestly have no clue what that is. Allura said we could explore the planet, and take a break from everything. She also said to remember the warning.

What warning?

When I went to go ask Allura, she went with the king to talk some more.


I ran through the dense forest. The trees looked like palm trees except they were all sorts of colors. All the people were colorful and pretty. I walked past children dancing and women singing. I followed some strange lines on the ground. Suddenly, I saw a door.

I go through the door of course. Inside, I saw black trees everywhere forming a ring around a silver flower. There was no silver anywhere on the planet. Or black. The door locks behind me.

I step towards the plant. There was an inscription in a foreign language. I scanned it using my suit. Apparently the inscription says chereze. What does that mean?

There was a story too. About a king who wanted all his subjects to obey him (coughZarkoncough). He used his magic to create a silver flower that forced people who see it to obey anything said to them, from wishes to orders. The only way to get rid of the curse is to tell your deepest secrets before the end of the week. If they touched the flower, they were cursed forever.  He spread the flowers everywhere until it was contained and destroyed by the Ibernians.

Shit. I saw it. I'm screwed. I began to feel sleepy. There was a mirror nearby. I watched drowsily as my eyes turned a dull silver. A weird drawing of the flower appeared on my hand and silver vines appeared from the flower. I could only stare as they wrapped around my hand.

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