Again and Again

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Request by kirrathewolf



Lance looked around the room. It was bothering him how silent and depressing this room was. Everyone was unnerved, not knowing what to do. This wasn't supposed to happen. At least, it shouldn't have happened. The tension was like glass ballerinas, dancing around in the silence. One wrong step, and it all would shatter, glass shards scattering across the floor. They were supposed to prevent this. They were supposed to be the "Defenders of the Universe" for heaven's sake!


As they sat down, the sullen atmosphere weighing down on them, they all looked at eachother to say the words no one wanted to hear.

Finally, Shiro spoke up. He said, "Paladins, I know you don't want to talk, but might as well share what we had. It may help us get through this."

Shiro said, "I-I had Adam. I had h-his hugs and kiss-kisses and the stern look he would give me when I came home drenched in rain. I had my mom and dad and their ex-expectations. I had warm hugs on days where the snow p-piled up. I had students r-running through hallways, sm-smiling for winter break. I-I had everything."

Everyone could hear the tremor in Shiro's voice. The tears laced in his words.


Keith went next.

Keith said, "I-I'll go. I. I h-had Texas. I h-had the h-hot desert and t-the shack. I-I had the s-sunny sky and the cool n-nights. I had the starry night to look at when I felt alone. I had the day and night. I h-had peace and c-content."


Pidge went. 

Pidge said, "I-I had w-warm h-hugs. I-I h-had tra-traditions wi-with my family. I had support wh-when I-I needed it. I-I had a loving brother, mother, and father. I had a home."


Then Hunk went.

"I-I h-h-had a f-family. I-I had w-warm days. I-I had f-freshly baked cookies and cakes and pies. I had love."


Everyone was staring at him, expecting Lance to speak.

Lance started, "I-I ha-had the w-warm ocean and my fa-family. I had s-sisters, a-and b-brothers, and..." 

He couldn't speak.


Allura said, "Even though Earth has been destroyed by Lotor, we are still Defenders. We WILL DEFEND the universe to make sure no one, no one ever has to go through that." 

They all agreed, but the scene of Earth blowing up repeated again and again.


"Lance, I noticed you didn't share the rest. Are you ok?"

"Ok as someone could be when their home blows up in front of their eyes. But I'll be fine after a while Shiro."

"If you ever need help, you can count on me Lance."

"Sure thing Shiro."


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