Bloody Murder

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Do you know what bloody murder is? 

It isn't Pidge after days of them hacking with no sleep and not finding their family.

It isn't Shiro when he remembers what the Galra did to him. 

It isn't Keith pining for a hug from all of his family.

It isn't Hunk, reminiscing of the tastes unique to Earth.

It isn't Allura, full of grief without her fathers guidance.

It isn't Coran, crying over the people and places him and Allura never got to experience.



Not during the day of course, with his smile that barely held back sobs and pleas for help.

During the night, with tears crashing down his face, sobs wracking his body, depression and anxiety swirling around his head, preying on his hope, his emotions, his thoughts. 

He probably wouldn't be recognized in the night if one of the other paladins came in.

Lance was the person who was in a team meeting when it happened.

When he snapped.

He had enough of Allura's back handed comments, Shiro's false compliments, Pidge's snarky remarks, and Keith's brash insults. No one stopped him when he put his legs up. No one stopped him when he started maniacally laughing. No one stopped him when he brought out his bayard. He had the look of an insane person, a madman, a person with no guilt and morals and cares in the world. He screamed at the top of his lungs, " BLOODY MURDER," and laughed evilly for a few ticks before he whispered, "Bloody murder," and shot himself. 

The team was staring at him, confused how a funny goofball could turn into an insane person who wanted to end it all. Then the waterworks started. They all started crying until they heard a, "Hey, I brought cookies!"

Hunk and Coran stepped into the room, unprepared for what they saw. Hunk and Coran dropped the cookies they had worked so hard to make, and started crying. 

They watched the tapes over and over again.

Something changed.

On the outside, in diplomatic meetings, they seemed fine.

On the inside, Voltron was no longer a place of stability, a sane place. It turned into a place where all the paladins walked around, crazed grins on their face, waiting for the next meeting on how they would end Zarkon and themselves. They described everything in morbid detail. 

How Pidge would rip out Zarkon's tongue.

How Shiro would saw off Haggar's arm.

How Keith would stab Zarkon in front of Haggar, and force her to watch.

How Hunk and Coran would go around, torturing each and every Galra, making them cry out in agony.

How Allura would deliver the final blow by making all the Galra sit inside Zarkon's main fleet, watching as Allura pours gasoline everywhere, then lights it up.

How all the paladins would watch from the castle as the Galra finally burned in hell, which they deserved, while eating popcorn and laughing as the last piece of sanity finally slipped away from them.

How all the paladins and Alteans would shoot themselves at once.

All because of one bloody murder.

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