Post Season 8 part two (Allurance)

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Shiro, Keith, Pidge, Hunk, and Coran all stood outside of the door, not believing what Veronica told them. How could Lance become depressed? How could they have not noticed this in their yearly meetings. Hunk apprehensively knocked on the door, scared of what would happen. The door slowly creaked open with Veronica behind it. She yelled to Lance, " Lance, the paladins are here!" Lance screamed, everyone covering their ears in agony. He roared at Veronica, " No! Make them leave!" Lance couldn't take all the memories of Allura flooding into his brain, all at once. He screamed as he ran into his room, his mother trying to stop him. He flopped down on the fluffy mattress and started to cry while softly mumbling, " It's not fair." The paladins looked at each other. They now knew something had changed, just for the worse.

They stared at the broken boy, not knowing what to do. Do they hug him? Talk to him? Pat him on the back? In the midst of all of their confusion, Shiro walked up to Lance and looked at him. Really observed him and all of the changes that happened. Lances eyes had lost that glow, that luster that made people welcome his approach and hug him and laugh at his jokes. They had turned into something dark and empty, full of tears and longing. His mouth looked like it hadn't smiled in weeks. It was in a frown of defeat, of accepting the end. He was silent, yet it seemed like his head was full of thoughts. He looked broken, done, just fading away...

The team stared in shock at this new and degraded Lance. Keith decided this was enough and told Shiro to help him carry Lance. Lance, who had heard their conversation, decided to run away, but Shiro and Keith quickly caught up to him. The team all went out the front door, cradling a struggling Lance in their arms. Veronica just stared at the front door, a shocked expression on her face and no words coming out of her mouth.

All of the paladins stared at the limp boy in the backseat. They were going to help him, whether he likes it or not.

(Does anyone get the reference?) I will list the usernames of the first ten people who comment where the reference is from... See Ya!

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