Avatar Roku pt2

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"Gotta get my head right
Damn, I been here all night now"

AHHHH 600 VIEWS YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING!! I'm so happy you like the book so far I know this 2 part episode is kinda useless but to carry the story along I had to but I'll make the chapters more interesting in the future. Anyway thank you and enjoy


Aang continues to pull on Appa's reins. Appa continues to remain immovable. Aang pulls so hard on the reins that he falls to the ground.

"I think his big butt is trying to tell you something." Sokka tells him as we all walk up behind him

"Please don't go, Aang. The world can't afford to lose you to the Fire Nation. Neither can I." Katzumi says pleading to him. 

"But I have to talk to Avatar Roku to find out what my vision means. I need to get to the Fire Temple before the sun sets on the Solstice. That's today." Aang insists

"Don't' worry the temple is run by old fire sages who half have already lost their hearing we'll be fine"I say to them . They seem tense but a little relief

Aang jumps up onto Appa's back and looks back hesitatingly at us. We jump in front of Appa Before he leaves.

"We're not letting you go into the Fire Nation, Aang."Katara says.

"At least not without your friends. We got your back." Sokka adds in

Appa takes off A while later ocean view is all we can really see . The sun is high in the sky.

"Come on, boy! We've got a long way to go! Faster!" Aang tells Appa.

Katara turns around and shouts to Aang.

"Fireball!" Katara yells out

"I'm on it! " Aang pulls hard on Appa's reins. Appa swerves just in time. The fireball sails over our heads.

We all scream as the fireballs come racing towards them. Appa swerves and dips and dives to avoid the fire balls.A fire ball grazes Appa's back.I quickly bend the fire on Appa's back. Appa growls in anger and pain.That poor thing

Aang Is trying to help Appa avoid the fireball bombardment. In front of us fireballs shoot through the clouds Appa swerves to miss fireballs.

 Fireballs continue to shoot through the sky. Two fireballs collide and explode directly in front of Appa. Appa growls and rears up to avoid the combustion. He bucks and Sokka is thrown from his back. Katara and I scream and reaches out for Sokka. Sokka begins to fall and disappears into the clouds below. Appa dives to catch Sokka before he hits the ocean. Appa gets beneath Sokka.'

 As Sokka continues to fall, Katara reaches out her hand to catch him I grab his forearm to make sure he doesn't fall again. The Fire Navy ships as they let loose another barrage of fiery missiles. Appa, still close to the surface of the water, swerves back and forth as fireballs land in the ocean. He is fully concentrated on avoiding the fireballs. A single fireball is shot at Appa.

 Aang leaps from Appa. Aang and the fireball headed on a collision course for one another. Aang grunts and kicks a burst of air directly into the center of the approaching fireball. The fireball explodes from the inside out as a result of Aang's blast. Aang loses his balance amidst the flying rubble and is thrown back onto Appa's shoulders. I grab his arms to steady him. Appa flies through the Fire Nation blockade.

"We made it!!!"Aang raises his left fist into the air.

"We got into the Fire Nation.....Great..." Sokka groans in disbelief

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