Sozin's Comet, Part 2: The Old Masters

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"My looks are like the sunrays, My youth is like fire,I'm telling the truth that I feel the heat"


Inside the tavern as the group look at June kicking an empty seat into a comfortable position before sitting down and taking a sip from her cup.

"Hey, I remember her. She helped you attack us!" Sokka yells

"Yup, back in the good old days." Zuko walks forward

"Oh great, it's Prince Pouty. Where's your creepy grandpa?" June asks

"He's my Uncle, and he's not here."

"And he's not creepy!" Katzumi yells

"I see you worked things out with your girlfriend."

Both Zuko and Katara blush with sweat drop expressions on their faces and protest simultaneously.

"So what you want?" June asks

"I need your help finding the Avatar." Zuko says

"Hmph. Doesn't sound too fun." She takes another drink from her cup while Zuko gets riled up

"Does the end of the World sounds like more fun?"

Appa and June's shirshu are growling aggressively at each other. Appa then licks the shirshu's face and both of them quiet down.

"Nyla... Who's my little snuffly wuffly." Nyla suddenly shoots out her tongue and June steps back "Whoa! Careful there. Okay, whose got something with the Avatar's scent on it." June asks

"I have Aang's staff."

Nyla proceeds to sniff and walk around them while the group follows her movements. Nyla continues circling around them and sniffing out Aang's scent. Nyla makes one last round before walking back in front of June and lowering herself on the ground and rubbing her snout with her paws.

"Well, what does that mean?"

"It means your friend's gone." June says

"We know he's gone, that's why we're trying to find him." Katzumi says

"No, I mean he's gone gone. He doesn't exist."

The group travel to Ba Sing Se in search of Uncle Iroh. But the group set up camp

Toph, snoring in her earth tent as she suddenly wakes up and touches the ground. Her tent as it gets earthbender away.

The group is awake and they turn their heads towards 4 people appearing at the top of the rubble in white and blue uniforms.

Jeong Jeong, Pakku and then Bumi and Piandao appear.

"Well, look who's here." Bumi snorts and laughs.

"What's going on? We're surrounded by old people." Toph asks

"Not just any old people. These are great masters and friends of ours" Katara stops in front of him and bows "Pakku"

" It is respectful to bow to an old master but how about a hug. for your new grandfather?"

"That's so exciting. You and Gran Gran must be so happy to have found each other again." Katara hugs him

"I made her a new betrothal necklace and everything.

"And this was Aang's first firebending teacher." Zuko and Kaztumi walks towards him and Jeong Jeong bows

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