The Avatars Love

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"What am I supposed to do
When I love someone
as much as the ocean loves the moon"


The Avatar's Love.

The gang's are in their house in Ba Sing Se. Aang's head in a mirror covered with shaving cream as he shaves it off with a razor blade.

Sokka's head in the mirror to show he has a few hairs growing above his lip which he cuts off with the end of his machete. He then clicks his tongue and points at his reflection.

Katzumi is in the mirror as she brushes her now long black hair, Smiling in the mirror when she's ties it in a low ponytail.

Katara in the mirror as she fixes together her hair loops. Once they are placed, she smiles 

Toph's hair a horrible mess, lays face-down on her bed, her blanket sloppily laying over her. A sliver of light cuts through the darkness as the door opens. Katara enters the room and gasped at the sight.

"Huh! Toph, aren't you going to get ready for the day?" Katara asks

Toph whips her head up causing her wild bed-head-hair to fly about. She quickly spits a large loogy into a nearby spittoon which spins upon impact.

Toph as she gets to her feet and brushes a large amount of dust off her sleeping shirt.

"I'm ready." Toph smiles. Katzumi appears behind Katara

"You're not gonna wash up? You've got a little dirt on your... everywhere actually."

"You call it dirt. I call it a healthy coating of earth."

"Hmmm. You know what we need? A girl's day out!" Katara exclaimed

"Do I have to?" Toph asked

" It'll be fun."

"Do you wanna go?" Katara asked Katzumi

"I don't know I'm still pretty ti-" Katzumi is cut off by Aang

"No no you guys should go it would be nice for you guys to get out of the house" Aang gave a knowing eye to Katara who nodded

The three girls are outside of a large building that is decorated with pictures of flowers and plants,

 Fancily dressed woman in beautiful robes walk out and smile at each other.

"The Fancy Lady Day Spa? Sounds like my kinda place." Toph grumbled

"Are you ready for some serious pampering?" Katara asks the girls


"Sure Katara, whatever you say. As long as they don't touch my feet."

They walk in, Toph with her head hung low.

Katara and Katzumi sit happily having their feet scrubbed.

Toph's foot as the attendant have to hold the girl down, are hard at work trying to scrape the massive amounts of dirt off her feet.  Toph isn't pleased with this.

"Arrrr! Rrrrr! Errrr!"

an empty hallway within the spa  suddenly an explosion of dust erupts from one of the doorways as the frame is crumpled and an attendant flies out and hits the opposite wall, Toph having just performed some earthbending apparently out of annoyance.

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