The Awakening

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"That's why you trust me, I know you've been through more than most of us
So what are you? What are you, what are you so afraid of?
Darling you, you give but you cannot take love"


Aang begins to awaken.

He sits up and groans. Bandages cover his arms and abdomen. He stares at the floor, his vision blurry and his head swaying.

" What happened?"Aang groans

Aang looks to the side to reveal that he is inside a room on a Fire Nation ship.

Aang turns around and sees the large tapestry with the Fire Nation insignia hanging on the wall behind him.

"Oh no!" Aang scrambles off the bed.

The metal latch squeaks as Aang opens it and peers outside. Aang slowly hobbles down it the dimly lit hallway, teetering from side to side while using his staff and the wall for support.

He looks around it and sees two Fire Nation soldiers, one very tall and carrying a club, and the other very tiny.

"You hear something?"

Aang gasps and puts his back to the wall before turning the corner and swinging his staff and bending a strong gust of wind at the soldiers. The soldiers shield themselves from the attack and Aang runs down the corridor.

"He's awake!"

Aang desperately trying to get away from the soldiers, still using his staff for support. The soldiers round the corner and follow after him.

"Stop, wait!"

Aang tries to escape, looking back at the soldiers. He comes to a small flight of stairs leading to the deck and climbs up. Aang tries to jump off the steps and onto the deck.

Aang falls down. He loses his grip on his staff and it slides across the deck. The dark sky indicates that it is night. He comes to a stop in front of Hakoda, Bato, and Momo. Hakoda and Bato are dressed as Fire Nation soldiers and Momo is having his chin scratched by Hakoda. They look down at the staff.

"Momo?" Aang asks

Momo, Hakoda, and Bato as they all turn and look at Aang. Momo chirps happily and leaps towards the camera. Aang picks himself off the floor as Momo jumps on to Aang's shoulders and licks his cheek.

"Twinkle-Toes, that's got ta be you."

Toph and Katara run towards Aang excitedly.

"Aang, you're awake!" Katara exclaimes

"Are you sure? I feel like I'm dreaming." Aang is caught off guard when Katara runs up and gives him a quick hug.

"You're not dreaming. You're finally awake." Katara lets go and the person dressed as a Fire Nation soldier walks up to Aang and gives him a quick hug.

"Aang, good to see you back with the living, buddy." Sokka says muffled


"Uh-oh! Somebody catch him, he's gonna..."

Katara runs to catch Aang, but he falls.


Katzumi ran down the long corridor. Her stubby legs almost giving out at how fast she was going. But nonetheless was excited to show her mom something she made in arts and crafts.

Usually with royal children and education. They'd have languages, Math, and more boring diplomatic studies. But this time Urasa insisted the kids have some sort of art or music program.

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