Sokka's Master

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This story will be short cuz it's not my fave. sorry <3

"Feel like a brand new person but you make the same old mistakes.I don't care I'm in love"


Aang, Katara, Katzumi, and Toph are seated at an outdoor table at a local restaurant, each with trays of food.

"These people have no idea how close they were to getting toasted last night." Aang says

"Yeah, the worst thing about being in disguise is we don't get the hero worship anymore. I miss the love." Toph whines

"Boo-hoo, poor heroes."

Sokka sit at the edge of the floor by himself, a tray of steaming smoked sea slug next to him.

"What's your problem?"

You haven't even touched your smoked sea slug.

"It's just...all you guys can do this awesome bending stuff like putting out forest fires, and flying around, and making other stuff fly around. I can't fly around, ok I can't do anything." Sokka sighed

"That's not true. No one can read a map like you." Katzumi said

"I can't read at all." Toph chimed in

"Yeah, and who keeps us laughing with sarcastic comments all the time, I mean, look at Katara's hair, right" Aang grabs a lock of Katara's hair and gestures to it "What's up with that?"

"What? What's wrong with my hair?" Katara looks left and right nervously, trying to cover her hair.

"Nothing, I was just trying to..." Aang apologies

"Look, I appreciate the effort, but the fact is each of you is so amazing and so special, and I'm not. I'm just a guy in the group whose regular." Sokak sighed

"I'm sorry you're feeling so down, but I hope you know none of us see you that way." Katara pauses a moment, then places a hand on Sokka's shoulder "I know something that's gonna make you feel better."

"You do? "


Sokka runs forward. He examines the various weapons displayed on the tall racks.

"Maybe a little something to reinvigorate my battling." Sokka pulls a nunchaku from the rack "Hey, how about these" he begins twirling the nunchaku "Ho-ya! Smack-a-dacka-doo!"

Sokka accidentally hits himself in the head and falls over, knocking over a few of the poles weapons on the rack and making Toph flinch.

Katzumi tries on a gold helmet

"What do you think?" Aang asks his girlfriend
Aang wear an extremely stylized and complex suit of heavy, shiny armor "Pretty slick, huh? All I need to complete the outfit is a wind sword." Aang smiles

Katzumi shields her eyes from the shine of the armor "What's a wind sword?"

"It's where I get a sword handle. And then I just swing this around and bend air out like a blade." Aang raises a sword handle a swings it around, making wind noises.

"Yeah...nice." Katzumi smiled

The heavy armor creaks and begins to fall over. Aang, Unable to move anything but his arm, starts to panic. Katzumi tries to stop Aang from falling, but Aang and the armor hit the floor with a loud thud.

"I'll just stick to what I got."

Something catches Sokka's eye.A particular sword framed and positioned above the others.

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