The Blind Bandit

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"And you think of roses and daisies And I think of flashing and fire like Hades"


"It's pricey, but I really do like it."

Sokka is looking at the bag. Katzumi, with Momo on her shoulder, Katara looks at him with some concern. Aang sits on the floor, looking somewhat bored and unhappy.

"Then you should get it. You deserve something nice." Katara tells him

"I do, don't I? But no. It's too expensive, I shouldn't." Sokka debates

"Alright, then don't." Katzumi said slightly annoyed

She turns and walks away. Aang gets up and follows her. Sokka goes last, looking wistfully back at the bag. A moment later Sokka returns and stands behind the bag, his hands clasped in front of him. 

" You know what? I'm gonna get it."

A man nears with a paper in his hand turns around and speaks to them.

"Psst, psst. Hey, you kids like earthbending? You like throwing rocks? Then check out Master Yu's Earthbending Academy."

The man hands Aang a flyer with a smile and leaves.

"Look, there's a coupon on the back. The first lesson is free."Aang exclaimed

"Who knows? This Master Yu could be the earthbending teacher you've been looking for." Katzumi chimes in

Sokka walks over to the three, the green bag cradled in his arms.

Aang in a dark green earthbender training uniform and a round helmet.

The end of the line of boys of which he is a member. The boys are younger and smaller than he is by a head. They stand resolute, looking forward. Aang stands up straight in imitation of them.

On the left is a line of four boys with a stone in front of them. On the right is a line of fours boys, including Aang without any stones. A man, Master Yu, enters the courtyard

"Take your stances." He orders

The students except Aang assume earthbending stances.

"Now, strike as if you're punching through your opponents head!"

Master Yu strikes a pose as he says this. The line on the lift their rocks and throws them at the line on the right.

Aang looks alarmed, then a split second close up of the boy across from Aang chucking the rock at him. The rock hits Aang square in the chest and knocks him backwards into a large ceramic pot behind him. The pot explodes in a cloud of dust and fragments.

Master Yu approaches him with a smile.

"So, are you ready to commit to more lessons? If you pay for the whole year in advance, I'll bump you up to the next belt."

Aang excited the dojo through the paifang gate. Katzumi, Sokka, and Katara sit just outside.

"He's not the one." Aang leans over and pats one side of his head, ejecting bits of dirt from his ear. The last two boys exit the gate and their conversation is heard.

"I think The Boulder is gonna win back the belt at Earth Rumble 6." The first boys says

"He's gonna have to fight his way through the best earthbenders in the world to even get a shot at the champ." The second boys says

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