Secret love cave

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"I think you've reached the end Keep it classy, don't cry know it hurts, I know you want it I know you long for the love"


Aang and Katara face each other like gunslingers in front of a natural arch of stone that protrudes from the cliff wall.While Katzumi lays her feet in the water and Sokka rides lazily in a boat made of an enormous leaf.

"You guys are gonna be done soon, right? "

"We've got a lot of ground to cover if we wanna make it to Omashu today."

Katara drops her bending stance and slumps over at Sokka's statement, then turns to face him with an arched eyebrow as she replies.

"What, like you're ready to go right now, naked guy?" Katara smirks

:I can be ready in two minutes. Seriously. Whenever." Sokka says

"So, you were showing me the octopus form." Aang cuts in

"Right. Let me see your stance. Your arms are too far apart. See, if you move them closer together you protect your center. You got it?"


"Okay, let's see what you got."

Aang raises some water from the river. Aang finishes pulling up a large blob of water. With a smooth motion he causes the blob to sprout about a dozen, wide tentacles. Katara then begins to rapid fire icicles at him.

The first one is grabbed and deflected in mid air by one of Aang's water tentacles. After several more are deflected, and then uses one of his water tentacles to lash at Katara. She is slightly surprised as Aang's water tentacle grabs her leg and yanks tight. Then she straightens, places her hands on her hips and smiles as she addresses the Avatar.

"You make a fine octopus, Pupil Aang."

Aang now encased in the bubble of water, his arms and, consequently, his tentacles waving lazily around him. He is clearly having fun imitating an octopus.

Momo raises his head off of Katzumis lap, music and singing is heard from off.

Somewhere along the path to the beach within the forest. A group of travelers dressed in colorful mix of Asian and Polynesian styles walk by playing instruments and singing. The one carrying a guitar like instrument and wearing a wreath of flowers begins to sing softly.

"Don't fall in love with a traveling girl. She'll leave you broke and broken hearted..."

The woman on his left wears black and pink, has big hair adorned with a single flower and plays a flute. A rotund fellow behind him wears a white and pink robe, a coolie hat and plays a drum.

Suddenly, Sokka's leaf boats capsizes and he yells as he falls into the water. The singers stop, finally noticing the kids.

"Heh-hey! River people!" Chong exclaimed

"We're not river people." Katzumi says

"You're not? Well then what kind of people are ya?" Chong asks

"Just... people."

"Aren't we all, brother? Whoo."

Sokka still mostly naked and with Momo perched on his shoulder.

"Who're you?" Sokka asked

"I'm Chong, and this is my wife Lily. We're nomads, happy to go wherever the wind takes us!"

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