The Earth King

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"It's the way that you making me feel
Like nobody ever loved me like you do, you do
You kinda feeling like you're tryna get away from me
If you do, I won't move"


Aang, Katara, Katzumi, Sokka, Toph, Appa and Momo have stopped on a tiny islet in the center of the lake. Aang is embracing Appa, clinging to the fur on the bison's massive brow.

"I missed you more than you'll ever know, buddy."

Momo alights next to Aang, also hugging Appa. Appa licks a laughing Aang off of his face with his huge tongue.

"Look, we escaped from the Dai Li, we got Appa back, I'm telling you, we should go to the Earth King now and tell him our plan. We're on a roll." Sokka pumped his fist in the air

"One good hour after weeks of trouble isn't much of a roll." Katara said

"We can build on it. If we want to invade the Fire Nation when the eclipse happens, we need the Earth King's support."

"What makes you think we'll get it? I don't know if you've noticed, but things don't usually go that smoothly for our little gang." Toph said

"I know, but I've got a good feeling about this. This time will be different." Sokka says

"Sokka, Long Feng is control of the city. His conspiracy with the Dai Li is too powerful. I think we should just keep flying and leave this horrible place behind us." Katara suggest

"I'm with sweetness. I've seen enough of Ba Sing Se, and I can't even see!" Toph says

"But now that we have Appa back, there is nothing stopping us from telling the Earth King the truth about the conspiracy and the war." Aang hopefully says

"Ya and our plans don't work out we can just leave on Appa now" Katzumi added

"See, Aang's and Zumi's with me. It's the whole reason we came here in the first place, we have to try." Sokka smiles

"Well, I guess if the Earth King knew the truth, things could change." Katara summed up

"I don't trust the new positive Sokka. Long Feng brainwashed you, didn't he!" Toph yells at Sokka

Aang suddenly notices something off to his left. He rushes to the edge of the water, and we see that he has spied three Earth Kingdom ships off in the distance. Katara and Sokka rush up beside him.

"That's probably the Dai Li searching for us. So?" Sokka asks

"Let's fly!"

Appa soars toward the palace of Ba Sing Se. He roars defiantly as he turns to start his descent. The heroes are clinging to the fur on his back, with Aang riding on his neck. Toph in particular is holding on for dear life.

"Can we please buy a new saddle? Riding bareback is terrifying!" Toph buries face in Appa's back

Appa descended toward the distant palace, a massive complex at the center of the city, surrounded by a circular wall.

"There it is. That whole thing is the palace. The Earth King's chambers should be in the center." Katzumi pointed to the palace

"We have to be careful. Long Feng's probably warned the King that we're coming." Katara said

"Why would you assume that? If you ask me, I think we're just gonna sail right in....Ahhh!"

Appa evades a massive stone that streaks up and past them, leaving a billowing trail of dust behind it. The sky-bison emerges from the smoke cloud with a growl of defiance.

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