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"hey cutie," Larry types, smiling brightly.

"Hey, Lar-bear!" She greets back, typing back very fast.

"You guys are so cute, it hurts," I say, leaning onto the wall behind Larry's bed.

Larry smiles and begins typing again, "sal is here to 'meet' yoy," He curses softly and sends another text, "you*,"

"That's cool! Hi Sal! Larry has said so many things about you :)"

I glare jokingly at Larry, "They'd better be good things," He snickers.


I punch his arm lightly and look over his phone once more.

She starts typing about when she's coming to visit or something, I zone out quite fast.

I lean back against Larry's wall again, looking for any messages. As I'm looking at my legs, I find some writing.

Hey, you here?

"Larry! You owe me 10!" I exclaim. He bet that he wouldn't message back because of his dad.

He's confused before he gets it, "Fuck, really?" He pulls out his wallet and hands me a crumpled 10 dollar bill. "After not talking to you for 17 years, he's persistent,"

"Yeah, honestly," I grab a random pen and message back while he goes back to talking with Claire.

yup im here, how ya doing today?

Fine, yourself?

pretty okay, i gotta listen to my friend drone on and on with his girlfriend

That happens sometimes with my friends, too. I feel you.

you feel me? but weve only just met (lenny face)

Oh my lord

sorry sorry haha

I smile while writing. i really want to meet you. is that clingy?

No, no. I really want to meet you, too.

but we're still not saying names or locations or anything, right?


well whats your favorite color?


Blue. Just like Sal's hair. God Travis, you have a soulmate. You shouldn't be thinking about someone else.



cool, mines either purple or red

Ew, red is my father's favorite color.

shit, sorry man

It's okay, you didn't know.

whats with your dad anyway? sorry if thats intrusive

He's just a very...opinionated person. Most things I do are disrespectful to him. I've grown used to it, but I can't wait to leave this hell hole.

shit, the worst thing my dad has done is drink too much beer once

Are you okay? Like he didn't..?

no no, he wouldnt ever i think

You think?

yeah, hes come close once, but its not bad here. i swear

That's good. Shit, I gotta go, sorry.

The pen mark gets smudged right after I read it. I decide that it's in his best interest if I don't write back.

Blue, huh? That's real convenient.

"--al, Sal?" Larry says my name repeatedly. "Dude, you good?"

"Uh, yeah, just spacing out,"

He shows his phone to me, on it being a picture of Claire and some text, "Claire's gonna be visiting over her break this week!"

I smile wide, even though Claire can't see it. "Nice, can't wait to see her,"

Larry translates that into text for her and a thought pops into my head, a sad one, "Lar, does she know about this hot mess?" I motion to my prosthetic that's laying on the bed.

"No," He frowns at my word usage but shakes his head, "do you want me to tell her?" I nod. It's always good to be prepared when there's a future friend involved.

"Lemme take a pic, put your second face on," He grins and holds up his phone. I get it latched into place.


He sends a short explanation message after it.

Her response takes longer than the others and I worry that this will be a deal breaker for her and Larry. Why? I don't know, because this abomination and Larry are friends?

But then it happens. It's wordy; "That's okay! This kind of stuff doesn't really warrant a warning, it's like telling me in advance that you have cancer. It won't change my opinion of you, Sal! <3"

It's like I'm on cloud nine after reading that. Larry slings his arm around my shoulder, "See? Nothin' to worry 'bout,"

They go on talking about something else before Claire has the idea to call instead, which they do.

"Hey, you two!" Her voice is crackly because of the phone quality, but it's soft and velvety and nothing like Larry Johnson. Perfect for each other.

There's some animal noises in the background. I can pick up a bird and a couple dogs. Larry mentions them and Claire yells at them to be quiet.

"How many animals do you have?" I really like animals, but I draw the line at bigger dogs--or bigger animals.

She hums and names off her pets, "Lucy, Chance, Spot, Dave, Peaches, Blue, Sadie, Casey, Lotus, Simone, Cracker, Lizzy, and I just got a salamander named Toby. So, thirteen,"

She told me which animal was what. She has two dogs, two kittens and a cat, one python, two turtles, one salamander, one hamster, one guinea pig, a rat, and a parrot.

I just sit there in shock. "Jesus fucking christ, Claire, you are a zookeeper," She laughs and agrees.

"How can you be in college AND afford all these pets?" I ask, genuinely confused and slightly concerned.

She giggles, "It all works out, I guess," One of her kittens starts meowing beside her, "My grandparents paid for my college, so I guess that's part of it,"

"I think Lizzy is my favorite," Lizzy is the older turtle she has.

Claire just laughs, "Why did I kind of expect that?"

"God, Larry, now I want a turtle," I whine playfully and rub up against his shoulder.

He laughs and pushes me away from him. "Ask Santa,"

I pout at him and I guess he can tell because he starts laughing harder. "You're such a meanie,"

"You love me, though," He smiles a shit eating grin.

I groan loudly, "if I have to,"

10-6-22 update!!  i changed a LOT in this chapter, but i had to simply because of the skype not existing thing

Please Talk To Me ~ SalXTravis Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now