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"Hello, brothers and sisters," Everyone says some greeting back, "Today is a very special day,"

"I can see a few new faces in the audience today and that makes me very happy," He smiles wide and glances over at me before moving on. "Today is also the day where children of officials in this church will be giving back for all we've done for them,"

I can hear a few 'amen's in the audience. Personally, I'm pretty agnostic: a god or multiple gods could exist, but I don't believe in one.

"Would Jeremiah please come up and present your speech?" A chubby boy no older than 9 slowly waddles up to the podium.

That can't be him. I mean he looks way too young to be 17.

He starts off by saying that his 'papa' is the youth group minister and how his life is great. Typical stuff you would expect from a church boy.

Another boy comes up, too old to be 17. He's followed by a girl who could be the same age, but I'm gay.

Then when I've almost lost hope, a boy who looks the same age walks up and begins talking. He has dirty blonde hair in a messy bowl cut style with the sides shaved. He has circular glasses that frame his beautifully round, but oddly chiseled, face.

He's wearing a dark blue button down tucked into black slacks. The sleeves are rolled up to reveal some peach colored skin.

It could be him!

"Hey, name's Gavin for all the new people here today," His voice is buttery smooth. Goddamn.

"Living with the main choir director has really opened me up to the world of music," Damn, daddy, sing me to sleep. "I'm not actually in the choir here because I'm in some weird place between tenor and alto, haha," He chuckles and that makes my face redden.

He continues talking and I can tell I'm smiling.

A few other kids get up to speak, including Travis.

He seemed very...tense? Like he was scared of even being up there in the first place.

For someone who loves a crowd at school, he seems to hate it here.

After Travis is finished, Preacher Phelps comes back up, "That was so wonderful!" He clasps his hands together and smiles, "Now, we'll begin with our music as normal before heading into the sermon,"

I hope the music is decent.

When the music starts, a lot of people stand up and start clapping, swaying, or whatever. Including Ash and Donny. I also stand up so I fit in more.

I mean, the music isn't head-bang material but it isn't slow Jesus music either. I sway awkwardly and tug on my hair--a small thing I picked up when I'm anxious.

When the music ends, I excuse myself to the bathroom and have a small debate with myself to either act like a girl or be true to myself. I choose the latter.

On my way into the boy's bathroom, an older lady taps my shoulder, "Excuse me, hun, the ladie's room is this way," She points to another door.

"Sorry, but I'm a boy," I say and walk into the restroom. Her eyes widens and she quickly walks away.

As soon as I step into the bathroom, I regret what I said. I should have just acted like a girl while I was here. Fucking idiot, Sal.

I quickly finish and make my way outside without drawing attention. I need a smoke.

I get outside and lean against a column outside and pull out my cigarettes. I've been trying to switch over to low nicotine vapes, but they're expensive.

I light it and take a long drag while the cigarette rests in between my fingers. I hope no bible-thumper comes out here.

I finish it and put it out on the ground before tossing it. I also pull out a mint from my handy dress pocket so I don't smell like smoke.

I hesitantly go back inside and slip into my seat next to Ash. Preacher Phelps gives me a glare but I brush it off as me misunderstanding his look.

He drones on and on for another hour or so before stopping.

"Before we dismiss, I would like to invite a few people up for prayer," Oh god, I hope it's not me.

I instinctively shrink into the seat, trying to not be noticeable, but my blue hair really gives me away.

"Excuse me, miss with the blue hair," He starts and motions me up there, "As well as the young lady over here with the short hair,"

I look over to see a short person, who honestly doesn't look too much like a girl, with shaved sides and fluffy hair on top. It looks like it was cut pretty recently. Doesn't look like your average church-goer.

I hesitantly walk up the stairs to the altar along with the other person. "I know her name, but what is yours?"

"Sal," I mess with the frill of my dress.

"A little dove told me that you were actually a boy in a dress," Gasps can be heard throughout the audience.

"And Cassidy," He motions to the person next to me, "has a boy haircut, which does not look good in the eyes of God,"

They look down and I see their lip quiver. This seems like it's happened before.

"We have a faggot and a tomboy both standing up here with me," He lays a hand on both of our shoulders, to which I push his off of me. He shoots me a glare but says nothing.

"I will unmask this disgrace so the eyes of God may penetrate his soul!" He reaches around to the latches of my mask.

I panic and hold it onto my face even as he pulls and tries to tug it off. Cassidy looks like she wants to do something but she doesn't.

When I don't let him take my mask off, he backhands me across the face with a snarl on his face, "You dare enter the church of God while being such a sinful creature!"

Someone pushes him away, and I can see that it's Cassidy. "I could charge you with assault so quickly, don't try me." Their voice is low, but very commanding.

His mouth drops open for a second and I'm able to back away a bit and hastily clip my prosthetic back on.

"Why you little--" He starts before another woman stands in front of me.

She has long black hair down to the middle of her back. She has more of a thick, curvy build and has the presence of a mother.

"You will not mistreat this child, Kenneth!" She raises her voice at him. She sounds really motherly, too.

"Adeline, go sit down." He tells her in a very worrying tone.

"No," She starts and steps closer to him, "this is the last straw!"

She grasps onto my shoulder and leads me down the stairs all while Preacher Phelps is fuming. She also leads Travis away with us. Is this his mother? Must be.

Ash and Donny also stand up and follow us out.

I look over at Travis to see he's in shock. His face lacks any distinguishable emotion, really.

Adeline keeps muttering prayers under her breath while Ash looks like she's ready to kill. Donny seems confused more than anything.

I don't know what I'm feeling.

Actually. I do. I feel sorry for Preacher Phelps.

10-20-22 update!! i altered the character names and took out the small travis pov

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