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"She could spook ya a bit, but she's really friendly," I say to Claire. She nods and leans against the elevator wall.

"Also," I start, "there could be other ghosts,"

She looks skeptical but nods again. "I don't really believe in ghosts, Sal," she laughs.

"Well you will," I shrug and tighten my pigtail. Claire rolls her eyes and smiles. Larry sighs and smiles.

Claire, Larry, Todd, and I were going to see Meghan for the first time in a while. Todd is with us so I don't feel like a third wheel, mainly.

The elevator dings and I get off quickly. I skip in front of everyone else, "C'mon guys!" I yell and keep going.

I swing on the doorframe into Meghan's room and race to the bathroom. I hear Claire laugh from behind me.

She's in there with me and we wait for Larry and Todd. "Slooowpokes!" She teases and puts a big L on her forehead.

"It's not our fault that you guys are so energetic," Larry groans out, but he's smiling.

We all just laugh and I turn the Super Gear Boy on. The screen flashes green and I push where the A button used to be.

There's an echo of a child's scream and Meghan floats out of the ground. Her purple hair is all matted and sticking up everywhere. She has a big, wide smile on her face when she sees me, despite her situation.

"Sally Face!" She lunges at me for a hug but just fazes through me. I shiver and she remembers that she can't really hug me. "Oh, yeah, I forgot," She giggles.

Claire's jaw is almost touching the floor as she stares at Meghan. She doesn't look scared, just shocked.

Larry moves behind her, "Told ya so, babes," He rests his elbow on her shoulder.

She stutters, "But--how-what---?"

I laugh and lean against the wall, "How've you been, Meghan?"

"Super duper good!" She spins around, "Mommy has been talking to me more,"

"How has the red-- how has your daddy been?" Todd asks, quickly rephrasing his words for her.

She thinks for a second, "He hasn't talked to me as much," She seems to misread our relief for sadness, "But that's okay! Mommy seems happier,"

"That's good," I pause, taking another glance at the calmer Claire, "This is Claire, by the way,"

Claire nervously waves and smiles, "H-hi?"

Meghan looks her up and down, then frowns.

"Where's Ash?" She moves closer to Claire, "Did you boys replace her?!"

Claire looks shy but answers, "I'm Claire, I promise I didn't replace Ash, sweetie," She smiles widely and sounds like she's talking to a child. Well, I guess she is.

Meghan smiles again, "Oh, okay! She always likes me and I hope you do, too!"

Claire looks more comfortable, but I can tell that she's still in shock.

"I used to make flower crowns for my mommy all the time!" She spits out randomly then spins around some more.

Todd pushes his glasses up, "Sorry we haven't been around recently, the Super Gear Boy broke and I had to fix it,"

"As long as you're here now to see me!" She exclaims. Her slightly transparent body is wavering and distorting.

"Oh," She flatly says, "Mommy's calling me," Then she melts into the floor with a screeching echo.

. . . .

Claire had gotten tired and laid down for a nap when we got back. Apparently she has a stress-related condition, and it takes a lot of your energy.

Todd, Larry, and I are about to play some cards to pass time and hang out; the hang out including a freshly rolled blunt that was hanging out of Larry's mouth.

"Go fish?" He deals out our cards and hands Todd the blunt, "Normal rules, lay down on three cards, right?"

"Mhm," I place down my set of twos and queens. Larry didn't get any matches, and Todd got a pair of tens.

"Man, this hand is shit, " he groans and me and Todd chuckle. "Got any sevens?" He asks Todd.

Todd shakes his head and smiles smugly, "Nope," He exhales and passes it to me.

Larry groans, again, and draws a card. His obvious pure rage turned into happiness and slight smugness.

"Don't need you fuckers, " He slams down two threes.

I just shrug, "Larry, you got anyyyy, " I scan through my cards while I take a long drag, feeling the heat cool off my insides, "aces?"

"Why do you guys gotta ruin my happiness like that?" He flicks a card at me. I smile wickedly and set down my cards with a little pat.

We play more board games or card games until it's late. I only just realize that Claire has been sleeping all evening.

Larry goes to check on her and Todd and I head home. I walk him to his apartment and then go to mine. I haven't gotten any messages from my lover yet, but I still hope he gets my gift.

I change into some shorts and a baggy t-shirt, brush my teeth, let down my hair, take out my glass eye, and lay down in my bed.

Surprisingly, I fall asleep peacefully. It's a dreamless sleep, but that's isn't bad.

10-15-22 update!! i just added them smoking a blunt #representation
and changed Meghan mentioning the flowers because i removed that

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