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"Claire!" Larry yells and runs over to her. He lifts her up into the air and twirls around. When she said she was coming this week, I didn't think she meant the next day.

I smile at the two love birds and help carry her bags in.

"Woah, Sal, you're a lot shorter than what Larry said," She says. I'm about the same height as her, and she reaches Larry's chest.

I glare at Larry and proceed to jump onto him and tackle him to the ground. "Dumb giant!" I yell and mess his hair up.

He yells in grief and picks me up off of the ground effortlessly. "How dare you touch my mane, gremlin!"

"Ahh! Larry!" He was spinning me around in the air, "I'm gonna vomit!"

He quickly puts me down and fixes his hair.

We share a laugh and get Claire set up in Larry's room. I just hope I don't have any nightmares while she's here.

Normally, I run to Larry and sleep with him because it calms me down.

She sits down on his bed and he goes up to her and pulls her into a small kiss.

"Ewwww!" I cover my eyes, "Warn me next time you guys are gonna start fucking in front of me!"

Larry rolls his eyes and kisses her again. Claire is blushing madly at my statement.

I'm ordering some pizza when I feel a sharp pain in my stomach and chest, some in my back, too. I manage to finish ordering before I crumple into a ball.


Larry comes in and runs over to me, "Dude, what happened?!"

I lift up my shirt and see the outline of several bruises. It hurts like hell.

"Fucking hell!" There's more pain in my back and shoulders. It's making it hard to move, honestly. The pain goes away after minutes from what I've read about soulmates, but in this moment I feel like death.

Larry seems panicked. "Uh, I'll get some ice?" He runs off towards the kitchen.

I try to stand up but I get the breath knocked out of me with a pain in my..yeah. I feel like I'm gonna vomit.

Larry comes back in to me holding my nuts in pain. He almost smiles but then remembers the situation.

He puts some ice on my stomach and back. Claire comes running in with a First Aid Kit after hearing the commotion.

"What hurts?" She fusses over me, "Can you breathe?"

I can hardly even get words out.

"Pen," I'm able to spit out. There's still more pain popping up everywhere, so I have to be quick.

"Pen? What?!" Claire says confused as she tries to fix me up.

Larry seems to understand as he turns me away from her, pulls my mask up, and writes 'STOP' across my face. Well, as best as he can considering my scars.

Soon, the only thing remaining is the constant pain from the first bruises. After some more time, that even fades, too.

"Fuck," I breathe out, pulling my prosthetic back down.

She seems to get it now, "Was that because of your..?" She trails off, unsure.

"Soulmate, yeah," I say bluntly. I don't mean to sound harsh to her, it just comes out that way.

"Dang.." She goes to put the First Aid Kit away.

Larry helps me up and sits me down on the couch. There's a tingly feeling on my arm so I roll my sleeve up.

Thank you. And..I'm sorry for that.

I almost cry. Not because of me, but because he has to go through that. Nobody should have to.

its no problem

I wait a second for a response. When I don't get one, I send something else.

dude, is your junk okay? that fucking hurt

Well, not really. I'd be surprised if I'm able to make kids.

well that doesnt really matter for us, does it? haha

"Hey, Larry face," he looks up from his phone, "I'm gonna head home,"

"You alright?"

"Yeah, I just got some homework up there and I feel like a third wheel," I pull my sleeve down and make for the door.

"If you need anythin', you know where I'm at. Seeya later, Sally Face," he says before I close the door.

I quickly make my way upstairs. Right now, I have a different kind of tingly feeling in my arm.

On my way inside, while I look to make sure Dad isn't home, I start scratching at my arm. All thoughts that he would feel this slips out of my mind.

I almost slam the door to the bathroom and rummage through the drawers. Floss and bobby pins fly to the ground, but I could care less.

I don't stop looking until my fingers prick against something cold.

I smile grimly and pull it out, cutting my fingers in the process.

I pry off my prosthetic and throw it aside. When I harshly roll up my sleeve, one of my newer cuts open up and I wince.

Should I really be doing this? Yes. I'm already holding the blade, might as well.

I cut once and feel the sting. It's almost comforting, but not in a nice, safe way. It's an eerie comfortable feeling.

My soulmate enters my circulation of thoughts, but never long enough for me to realize what I'm doing. I cut again.

And again.

And once more for good measure.

The top half of my arm is almost covered in blood and my heart is beating out of my chest. Regret, relief, and subtle panic replaces my swirling consciousness.

Fuck, I'm worthless. A small smile sits on my face as I harshly bandage my wrist.


10-6-22 update!! the only thing i rewrote was the self harm portion, just to make it less cringey LMAO

Please Talk To Me ~ SalXTravis Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now