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It's a decently long walk to Walmart, but we didn't mind. It gave us time to talk.

I get some weird looks when we walk in, which isn't uncommon. Normally it's just kids, but maybe I just don't notice adults.. The smaller kids say I look like a super villain and try to play fight with me. The older kids tell me that they 'like my style' or just turn away from me.

"Mommy, look!" I head a short boy, maybe around 6 or 7, whisper-yell to his mom, "That person's hair is so blue and fluffy!"

I smile and keep walking. At least some people don't think I'm a freak.

"They should be in the back," Todd says, "normally, there's a significant department for Lover's Booklets,"

I nod and follow him back. It's past the video games, which is farther than I've gone in this store.

Well, that's a lie. I bought Ash some art supplies for her birthday once--and that's an aisle past the video games.

Before I know it, we're at a counter waiting for an employee.

There's several books and little knickknacks on the walls and on shelves. I can spot gel pens, cute pencils, stickers, key chains--but to put on the spine of books--, and a big tin of book bags.

"Hey there, how can I help ya?" I jump in surprise and turn around to see an older man behind the counter. He has smile lines on his cheeks, and his hair is a wispy gray.

"My friend and I were going to browse through Lover's Booklets," Todd explains, not spooked by the man's sudden appearance.

"Have a look around," His name tag says Jo, "Holler if ya need anything," He flashes a bright, toothy smile. He has a couple gold caps on his lower teeth.

We nod and look through the books. They're packaged by twos, obviously. Some have patterns, others are just plain color. They're also built differently. Some might be a spiral notebook type, while another has a spine like a library book.

While looking through them, one catches my eye.

The first book has a fat cat sitting at the bottom of the cover, and the other has a lizard on the front. Perfect!

I quickly grab it and smile. I hold it close to me while I pick out a few accessories. Todd just smiles and waits on me. He tells me a few stories that come to his mind, but that's it.

When we walk back up to the counter, Jo seems significantly happier.

"Ah, seeing someone find the perfect booklet fills me with joy," He states contently and grins at us.

I had chosen out the books, a keychain for mine that had a guitar, and keychain for his that had--reluctantly--a cross, two packs of glittery pens, and some animal stickers. The books were the only pricey thing.

There's a few small stuffed creatures on the counter, so I take the chance and grab one that's a cute beagle dog and hand it to Jo to scan.

He smiles again and scans it. "Who's the lucky person?" Small talk.

"I don't know his name, but he has a wonderful sense of humor," I remember the long jokey conversation we had yesterday.

"I hope everything works out for you, brother," He shakes my hand and grasps it with his other hand. Little weird, but okay.

I just nod and thank him. I try to get out of there quick, though. Something about that rubs me the wrong way, even though it's probably nothing.

"Why the cross?" Todd asks suddenly.

"His parents are hella religious," I hold the books in the bag closer to me, "they don't even want him talking to me because they could 'tell I was a boy'" I scoff.

"Don't know how," Todd laughs a bit. "Probably your terrible handwriting,"

I nudge him with my shoulder but keep walking. "Keep talkin', faggot," I try to mimic Travis' voice and he starts laughing, but also cringes.

"That sounded too real," He starts laughing more, as do I. We look like idiots in the middle of Walmart, but oh well.

We go to get a big orange envelope, and Todd wants to look for something that he remembered.

He rushes off towards the technology and I just keep walking to the stationary. There's a little girl and what looks like her sister shopping for birthday cards.

I keep my distance, not wanting to be a nuisance, grab an envelope and a pack of stamps and leave.

I meet back up with Todd as he's in the clothes section.

"Would Neil like this?" He holds up a shirt with a tired stick figure drinking a huge cup of coffee, "I mean, I know he will, but should I buy it?" He rephrases.

I just shrug and he groans. There's a few shirts that look cool. One that sticks out is a dark green bomber's jacket with black trim.

I had just gotten my monthly allowance, and it was on sale for $9.99, so I have enough. The books ate up most of it, but that's fine.

Todd grabs a few other shirts and we head for the checkout. "His birthday is coming up,"

"Ohhh," I drag it out, "That makes more sense now,"

He peers at me from behind his glasses, "So I couldn't just buy a shirt for my boyfriend, Fisher?"

I hold my hands up defensively, "I ain't judging," He just smiles and we go to a self check-out.

The rest of the walk home is filled with laughs and talk about when we're gonna go see Meghan again. It's been a while since we've seen any of the ghosts. That could be good or bad. I can't wait to see her again, though.

i should be asleep
but i wanted to update this first
after this im gonna (hopefully) sleep, pinkie swear

10-6-22 update!! nothing was changed in this chapter :)

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