Chapter 2

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Butters: "Hey, where are you from?"
Chloe: (still in her boy voice) "Um..."
Butters: "Do you like Colorado?"
Chloe: "Yea I think-!"

Butters: "Do you talk much? That's ok I can talk for the both of us!"
Chloe: 'Man, this kid really likes to talk a lot.'
Butters: "We're here!!" He then starts to knock on the door.

It starts to open to reveal a fat kid in a wizards cloak.
Chloe: 'Wait a minute! I seen him before, I think his name was Cartman, I heard he was the most annoying and such a dumbass towards others. This should be entertaining.'

Butters: "All hail the Grand Wizard!"
Cartman: "So, you are the New Kid. Your coming was foretold by Coldwell Banker. I am the Wizard King. But the time for talk is not nigh. Let me show you my kingdom."
Chloe: "Um..Ok."

We then started to head in, and his mom started to talk to us.
Cartman's Mom: "Ohh, who's your new friend, Eric?"
Cartman: "Shut up, mom, not now."
Chloe: 'Wow! That was such a dick move towards his mom. I don't think I like him so much now.'

We then started to head towards his backyard, and if I'm honest with you, this is actually pretty... shitty.
Cartman: "Welcome ... to the Kingdom of Kupa Keep!"
I look around to see everyone at their stations.

He then starts to lead me to a place where it says armory.
Cartman: "Our weapon shop here is tended by Clyde, a level 14 warrior."
Then to place called stables.
Cartman: "Here you can see our massive stables, overseen by the level 9 ranger Scott Malkinson, who has the power of diabetes."

And finally, in front what I think is a castle where, a boy was a....girl?
Cartman: "And here, of course, is the breathtaking and lovely Princess Kenny. The fairest maiden in all the kingdom. Don't ask why Kenny wanted to be a chick, it's just how he seems to be rolling right now."

Chloe: "Um...ok?" I then started to look around this so called 'kingdom'. On the one side I found a daffodil. 'Hm.. maybe I should give this to Kenny, and see if he wants to become friends?"

I go over to him or her and hand it to him and adds me as a friend.

I then head over to the wizard and Butters to see what to do next.
Wizard: "You have been sought out, New Kid, because humans everywhere are in great danger. I need something from you and, in return, I am prepared to allow you into my kingdom. I know you are very excited. It's time for your first quest, but first - please tell us thy name."

Chloe: "Oh! Well my name is Ch-"
Wizard: "Your name is Douchebag? Is that right?"
Chloe: "What?!? No it's-?!?"
Wizard: "Very well, Douchebag. You will now choose a class: Fighter, Mage, Thief, or Jew."
Chloe: "Ugh!! Ok um.."

I look over all the classes. When I saw thief, it came with a cloak, which could help a lot to hide my hair so I decided to pick that class.

Wizard: "We welcome to our kingdom Douchebag the Thief!"
Butters: "Hooray!"
Wizard: "Now, please, go and visit the weapons shop. Procure yourself a weapon and we shall teach you to fight!"

I then started to head towards the shop.
Clyde: "Would you like to see my wares, weary traveler. Perhaps you would like to hear tips and rumors for two dollars?"
Chloe: "Um..No thanks I'll just get my weapon."

I then bought the Rogue's Dagger, which was actually pretty cool.
Clyde: "Ah, a lovely purchase."

Wizard: "Good, now how about you EQUIP your weapon instead of carrying it in a bag where it's completely useless."

I already have it in my hand, but ok.

Wizard: "Ah, you have procured a weapon. Nice. It is now time to teach you how to fight. I want you to take your new weapon, and, with the bravery of a noble knight -- beat up Clyde."
Clyde: "What?!"
Chloe: "What?!?"

Wizard: "Kick Clyde's ass, New Kid."
Clyde: "What'd I do?!"
Wizard: "I'm the KING, Clyde, and the King wishes to be amused. Go on, New Kid, kick his ass."

Ok we're going to skip after the fight, which I won!

Wizard: "HAHA, HAHAHA! Dude that was awesome! You were all like BRAMMGMG! And Clyde was all like "aaghghg, noo"! Hahahaha! Okay, okay. You've proved yourself worthy, Douchebag. Now, come inside the war tent and I shall let you see the relic."

While he was saying all that stuff, I started helping Clyde up to his feet, which he he gave me a thank you, before Cartman dragged me to his war tent.

Wizard: "Well, here it is. The reason why humans and elves are locked in a never ending war. The relic for which human and elf are willing to die... The Stick of Truth."

I look to see a normal stick on a podium with light shining around it.

Wizard: "Just two days ago, we took the Stick back from the elves. Our kingdom was dying, but now it thrives. For whoever controls the Stick, controls the universe."
Chloe: (boy voice) "The Elves, huh?"

Wizard: "Don't gaze at it too long! For its power is too much for mere mortals to look at!
Now that you have seen the Stick of Truth, let's discuss your dues. Being a member of my kingdom costs nine ninety five for the first week, four dollars of which is tax deductable-"

But then he was cut off by Butters sounding an alarm.

Wizard: "Someone has sounded the alarm!"
Butters: ": (entering) Alarm alarm alarm!!"
Wizard: "What is it?!"
Butters: "The elves are attacking!"
Wizard: "Oh my GOD! Defensive positions!"

I followed behind them to see that the whole kingdom was under attack by these elves. With no choice I begin to fight to protect it.

To Be Continued ~

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